"Era of Good Feelings"
Market Revolution & Society
Looney Tunes Characters

In his Farewell Address, President Washington warned the nation of these dangers.

What are alliances and spirit of party?


This concept was made official through the ruling of the Marbury v Madison Supreme Court case.

What is judicial review?


The Adams-Onis Treaty helped resolve a diplomatic crisis between Spain and the United States, an issue that this man greatly complicated with his aggressive actions.

Who is Andrew Jackson?


What tenet of Henry Clay's "American System" is missing from this list: 2nd National Bank, internal improvements, and _______________?

What are protective tariffs?


President Adams proclaimed, "Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute!" in response to what event?

What was the XYZ Affair?


American merchants would suffer greatly due to this dramatic action taken by President Jefferson.

What was the Embargo Act of 1807?


The Missouri Compromise marked a divide between future free and slave-eligible states along this line.

What is 36 degrees 30 minutes North?


Immigration to the United States during the early 1800's dramatically increased, particularly from two of these four countries.

What are Ireland, Germany, England, and France?


This famous Revolutionary War hero would later serve as Washington's Secretary of War.

Who is Henry Knox?


Future President William Henry Harrison would make a name for himself in this pivotal, yet lopsided battle in 1811.

What was the Battle of Tippecanoe?


This unanimous decision in 1819 determined that state governments could not tax instruments of the federal government employed in the execution of constitutional powers.

What is McCulloch v Maryland?


This waterway, completed in 1825, significantly decreased travel time for Americans and became a symbol of future industrialization.

What is the Erie Canal?


Who is Foghorn Leghorn?


These declarations were meant to challenge the federal government's passage of the Alien & Sedition Acts.

What are the Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions?


American shipping would be constantly harassed by these four city-states in northern Africa.

What are Tunis, Algiers, Morocco, and Tripoli?

President Monroe pledged to declare war against any European nation if they performed this action.

What is interfere with an American nation or attempt to further colonize in the Americas?


This man in the early-mid 1800's recognized a distinctly patriotic fervor throughout the American states and wrote about it at length.

Who is Alexis de Tocqueville?


In the Election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson would win in large part due to political support from this unlikely ally.

Who is Alexander Hamilton?


The Louisiana Purchase only happened due to both a major revolt and an outbreak of yellow fever in which French colony?

What is Saint Domingue?

Marks the end of the Era of Good Feelings.

What is the election of 1824?


This technological innovation, while first attempted in the early 1800's, would not make a significant impact until precision machines were developed nearly 100 years later.

What are interchangeable parts?