America Expands
Sectional Conflict
The Road to Secession
Civil War Military Conflict
Government Policies in the Civil War
Failures of Reconstruction
His opponents, which later included Mark Twain, were manifest — especially during your recent exit ticket, in which you rebutted his ideas on American expansion.

Who was John L. O'Sullivan?


Henry Clay sought to prevent Southern secession by cobbling together this important political deal that implemented popular sovereignty in the territories of Utah and New Mexico.

What is the Compromise of 1850?


This event involved a cane, not Cain — although the sectional violence that took place on the Senate floor made the Bible's brotherly spat look tame in comparison.

What is the Brooks-Sumner Affair (the caning of Charles Sumner)?


It was the bloodiest battle of the American Civil War.

What is Gettysburg?


Lincoln claimed this right under the presidential war powers that allowed prisoners to be held without charge.

What is suspending the writ of habeas corpus?


This man became the president after Lincoln's assassination and would later be impeached after he challenged the Tenure of Office Act by dismissing Edwin Stanton.

Who is Andrew Johnson?


From a Southern Democrat's perspective, it was a white Southerner who collaborated with northern Republicans during Reconstruction, often for personal profit. 

What was a scalawag?


Let's not fight; although this territory's border was not established at 54'40" — despite the famous political slogan that used that latitude — it was added to the United States after the nation resolved a boundary dispute with the British in 1846.

What is Oregon Territory?


This 1857 court ruling stated that Congress had no authority to bar slavery from a territory nor interfere with southerners' rights to bring slaves into western territories.

What is Dred Scott vs. Sandford


Only 22 people participated in this event, which ended with its leader condemned to lie "a-mouldering in the grave."

What is John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry?


It was the side that lost more soldiers in combat during the war. 

What was the Confederacy?


The Enrollment Act sparked this violent backlash in 1863, partially because the place where it occurred was a Democratic stronghold in the North. 

What were the New York Draft Riots?


Section 3 of this amendment included a disqualification clause that banned officeholders from government if they violated their oath to the Constitution.

What is the Fourteenth Amendment?


It was the intended target of the Enforcement Acts, which was eliminated in the early 1870s only to reappear in American society many decades later.

What was the Ku Klux Klan?


This president, known to supporters as "Young Hickory," was determined to start a war with Mexico after the annexation of Texas.

Who was James K. Polk?


This proposed law sought to ban slavery in newly acquired territory gained from the Mexican-American War.

What is the Wilmot Proviso?


If ratified, this proposal would have become the Thirteenth Amendment while indefinitely legalizing slavery where it existed and extending the Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific.

What is the Crittenden Compromise?


They would make up 10 percent of the Union Army's soldiers by the war's end. 

Who were Black Americans?


Congress authorized government control of this important resource in 1862; let's just say Lincoln was on board. 

What were the railroads?


This bill would have required 50 percent of voters in each former Confederate state to take a loyalty oath.

What is the Wade-Davis bill?


They wanted restore Democratic — aka white — rule in the South after the Civil War while violently disenfranchising newly freed Black Americans.

What are redeemers? 


This 1862 law gave 160 acres of federal land to each settler who listened to Horace Greeley's call to "Go West, young man, and grow up with the country."

What is the Homestead Act?


Stephen Douglas was instrumental in passing this 1854 law that would allow a railroad to pass through his native city of Chicago, in exchange for allowing "popular sovereignty" in western territories. 

What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act?


The outcome of the event referenced in this political cartoon eventually led to Southerners declaring secession.

What is the 1860 presidential election?


This strategy, developed by Winfield Scott, was one step closer to being fully achieved after Grant's victory at Vicksburg. 

What is the Anaconda Plan?


It's what Lincoln sought when he spoke these words: "that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

What is popular support for the war?


This agency sent Northerners to the south to provide aid to Black and White Americans left destitute by the war.

What is the Freedman's Bureau?


Under this agreement, Rutherford B Hayes would become president in exchange for ending federal military occupation of the South.

What is the Compromise of 1877?


Senate Whigs rejected this 1848 treaty, which effectively ended the Mexican-American War and granted the US territories in California and the Southwest. 

What is the Treaty of Guadalupe of Hidalgo?


This series of events in 1858 established the Republican Party's position — and those of the party's future presidential candidate — as firmly opposed to slavery.

What are the Lincoln-Douglas debates?


This document would have allowed slavery in Kansas; President Buchanan supported it, but Congress did not.

What is the Lecompton Constitution?


No roads were involved in this battle, which took place between the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia in Virginia. 

What is the Battle of Hampton Roads?


It was the historical development that led Frederick Douglass to say, "He who fights the battles of America may claim America as his country—and have that claim respected. Thus in defending your country now against rebels and traitors you are defending your own liberty, honor, manhood and self-respect."

What is emancipation?


Lincoln's plan of reconstruction, also known as The Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, would have required this percent of a former Confederate state's population to take loyalty oaths to be readmitted to the Union.

What is 10 percent?

This 1872 law had the required two-thirds majority required to officially restore political rights to almost all former Confederates.

What was the Amnesty Act?