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Who won the election of 1860?

Abraham Lincoln


What was the amendment that freed the slaves?

13th Amendment


Who was the quote describing?

“You are our Moses,' shouted several voices and the exclamation was caught up and cheered until the Capitol rung again.”

Andrew Johnson


What was the most popular domestic terrorism group in the South?

Ku Klux Klan


What decision ruled that African Americans were “unfit to associate with the white race” and so inferior they have no rights then denied a black man freedom?

Dred Scott Decision


Who created the Compromise of 1850?

Henry Clay


What was the turning point of the American Civil War in favor of the Union?

Battle of Gettysburg


Who said this? 

“Slavery has left its poison behind it…both in the veins of the slave and in those of the enslaver”

Frederick Douglass


What was the name of the courthouse where the Civil War ended?

Courthouse at Appomattox


What woman was involved in the health and wellbeing of soldiers on the battlefield during the civil war?

Clara Barton


Who created the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Stephen A. Dougals


What event followed the use of popular sovereignty to decide debates over slavery in new territory?

Bleeding Kanas


Who said this?

"The condition of society in the South exempts us from the disorders and dangers resulting from this conflict; and which explains why it is that the political condition of the slaveholding States has been so much more stable and quiet than that of the North"

John C. Calhoun


What was the name of the opposition to the Conscription Acts?

New York Draft Riots 1863


What act attempted to get Andrew Johnson impeached but was ultimately unconstitutional?

Ttenure of Office Act


Who was the president before Abraham Lincoln?

James Buchaan


What was the name of the first regiment of African Americans in the army?

54th Massachusetts Regiment


Who said this?

"I implore them to pause, solemnly to pause, at the edge of the precipice, before the fearful and disastrous leap is taken into the yawning abyss below, which will inevitably lead to certain and irretrievable destruction"

Henry Clay


What proposed law in 1846 that did not pass would not allow slaves into the territory acquired from the Mexican-American war?

Wilmont Proviso


 Fill in the blank; Lincoln was the ______.

“Most uncommon common man”


Who gave the cornerstone speech supporting Southern secession?

Con. Alexander Stephen


What was the Supreme Court ruling that justified the actions of the Colfax Massacre?

United States vs. Cruikshank


Who said this?

 “The whole fabric of Southern society must be changed and never can it be done if this opportunity is lost”

Thaddeus Stevens after the establishment of the Joint Congressional Committee on Reconstruction


What action formed an electoral commission, 8 Republicans and 7 Democrats, following the election 1876?

Compromise of 1877


During the election of 1860, Abe Lincoln ran as a republican member, who ran as the Northern and the Southern democrat?

South: John Breck; north: Stephen Douglas