Progressive Era
Events and Politics
Key Terms
Systems & Organizations
Heroes or Villains?
Heroes or Villains? (Disney)

Progressive, agrarian demand of the Populist party after the Panic of 1893; became the the major platform in 1896 of William Jennings Bryan, with the "16:1" rallying cry

What is Free Silver


After the Civil War this was made legal under Plessey v. Ferguson

What is Segregation (Separate but Equal)


Term for writers and journalists such as Ida Tarbell, David Graham Phillips, Upton Sinclair, and Lincoln Steffens, who would expose political and corporate corruption.

Who are Muckrakers 


Laws created in the South to enforce Segregation after Reconstruction ended

What are Jim Crow Laws


Founder of Standard Oil - largest oil company in the world during the Industrial Revolution - who controlled 90% of American oil refineries 

Who is John D. Rockefeller


Who is Gaston, Beauty and the Beast


Politician that promised America a Square Deal based on the 3Cs of Controlling Corporations, Protecting Consumer Goods, and Conserving Natural Resources

Who is Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt


A conflict between labor and management that took place at Andrew Carnegie's Steel Plant

What is the Homestead Strike


A monopolistic model in which a company controls all aspects of production in a supply chain; it is legal.

What is Vertical Integration


The New York Democratic Machine and the name of its most infamous leader

Who are Tammany Hall and William "Boss" Tweed


The first major labor union in the United States; led by Terence Powderly

Who are the Knights of Labor


Kristoff Bjorgman, Frozen


This was the Legislation and enforcement agency that was created in response to pressure from the Farmers Alliance to regulate the railroads. First federal government regulation on an industry. 

What was the Interstate Commerce Act & the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)

First major Congressional immigration law, passed in response to white workers clashing with this immigrant population, generally regarding the issue of labor competition out west

What is the Chinese Exclusion Act


Concept used to justify the wealth of small groups of people despite the majority of people living in poverty

What is Social Darwinism


Important reform institutions that provided services in overcrowded neighborhoods and sought to remedy poverty; Jane Addams was one of the prominent reformer in this institution

What are Settlement Houses


An industrialist who got his start in Railroads and then began a career of buying and selling other companies (including the purchase of US Steel)

Who is JP Morgan


Who is Mirabel Madrigal, Encanto  


The successor to the Niagara Movement, this organization sought to combat racial discrimination and segregation; one prominent leader was W.E.B. Du Bois

What is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)


The advocation for more and better urban park spaces, promoting safety for children and general health & wellness

What is the City Beautiful Movement


The transition for many middle-class men to office or less physically demanding work led to a general feeling that masculinity was being threatened. In turn, this led to a rise in athletics and fitness, such as this organization, which combined evangelism with physical fitness.

What is the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA).


Prior to the 20th century, most Presidents and national political leaders adhered to this concept of no [or very limited] government involvement in the free market.

What is Laissez Faire


President of the American Federation of Labor Union and promoted the idea of collective bargaining

Who is Samuel Gompers


Who is Esmeralda, The Hunchback of Notre Dame 


This legislation, passed in 1914, Amended the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and sought to redefine unethical business practices and uphold various rights of labor

What is the Clayton Antitrust Act


A conflict between labor and management that erupted after an 8 day strike and a bomb being thrown into the crowd; essentially ended the Knights of Labor

What is the Haymarket Square Riot


The stated political goals for the Populist Party during the election of 1892, which included a progressive income tax and government regulation of the Railroads

What is the Omaha Platform


This group was among the first organizations of women devoted to social reform; they were centered on the issue of alcohol reform, but would address many other issues of the industrial society

What is the Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)


Highly influential African-American leader; preached racial solidarity and accommodation, and urged blacks to concentrate on elevating themselves through hard work and material prosperity

Who is Booker T. Washington


Who is Lady Tremaine, Cinderella