Historical Figures
Important Acts
Specific Terms

Extremely popular civil rights activist and political philosopher who is often seen as the face of the Civil Rights Movement and known for his "I Have A Dream" speech.  

Who is Martin Luther King Jr.? 


A mirror of NATO, an international military alliance formed in 1954 to defend against the spread of Communism. 

What is SEATO or Southeast Asia Treaty Organization? 

Limited the president's ability to initiate or enact military actions abroad and essentially reversed the ___ of _____ ________. (Blank for a reason, ain't no way you're getting an answer for free)

What is the War Powers Act? 


The term in which senator Joseph McCarthy spread nation-wide fear of communism and its supporters. Often led to false accusations of communism towards innocent people usually to defame or ruin them. 

What is McCarthyism? 


A major political scandal regarding Nixon and his ploys for re-election, specifically the CRP's break-in and attempted bugging of the DNC and Nixon's subsequent actions to cover for them. 

What is the Watergate Scandal? 


Led China's Communist Party as the chairman from 1935 until their death in 1949. 

Who is Mao Zedong? 


As result of the second-wave of the feminist movement, an organization formed by a small group of women to further public awareness of women's issues. 

What is the National Organization for Women or NOW? 


Passed by Congress in 1964 by Johnson's request, this act allowed presidents to take all necessary action to repel armed attacks against hostile forces and prevent further aggression. 

What is the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution? 


Nixon's policy to slowly withdraw the country from the war in Vietnam and transfer its responsibilities to South Vietnam. 

What is Vietnamization? 


Spearheaded by the CIA, America's failed invasion of Cuba to overthrow Fidel Castro and his reign of Communism. 

What is the Bay of Pigs Invasion?


National Security Advisor who accompanied Nixon on his peace mission to China in 1972. 

Who is Henry Kissinger? 

Organization formed in 1960 by students to fight against segregation and racism, broadening the Civil Rights Movement. 

What is the SNCC or the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee? 


A foreign policy which proclaimed America would no longer be protecting allies with ground troops but rather shift back to economic and indirect support. This was specifically aimed towards Vietnam. 

What is the Nixon Doctrine? 


A term which includes all the states in the southeast and southwest which quickly rose in population and industrial power after WWII. 

What is the Sunbelt? 


A series of large housing developments created in the US which were often called "cookie-cutter" houses due to their extreme similarities in looks and build. 

What are Levittowns? 


The first secretary of the newly developed Department of Housing and Urban Development as well as the first black American to ever serve in the cabinet. 

Who is Robert Weaver? 


Temporary government unit which investigated Communist activities within the US, established in 1938. 

What is HUAC or House Un-American Activities Committee? 


Announced by Eisenhower at the United Nations in 1953, this plan called for the UN to supervise searches for peaceful uses of nuclear technology. 

What is the Atoms for Peace Plan?


A network of people and connections which work in tandem to create military technology and weapons. Warned against by Eisenhower in his farewell address. 

What is a Military-Industrial Complex? 


A member of the Oglala Lakota tribe and the founder of the AIM, which was formed in 1968. 

Who is Russell Means? 

The Egyptian president in 1977 who visited the Israeli prime minister for peace talks and was later invited to Camp David by Jimmy Carter. 

Who is Anwar el-Sadat? 


Established by Lyndon B. Johnson as his centerpiece of his "War on Poverty" to create new educational, housing, employment, and health-care programs. 

What is the OEO or Office of Economic Opportunity? 


Law aimed to limit the actions of anyone the government considered to be a threat to the nation, passed in 1950. 

What is the McCarran Internal Security Act? 


The process of specifically limiting access to financial services such as mortgages and loans to racial or ethnic minorities and the oppressed. 

What is Redlining? 


The amount of global goods which America produced AND consumed in 1970, then holding just 6% of the world's population. 

How much is two thirds?