Native Americans
Spain and Portugal in the New World
Colonial Governance and Events
Colonial Religion and Society

This major crop was cultivated by many Southwest Native American societies and became a staple of their agriculture.

What is maize?

This system allowed Spanish settlers in the New World to extract labor from the Native Americans in exchange for “protection” and religious instruction.

What is encomienda?


This was the first legislative assembly of elected representatives in North America, established in Virginia in 1619.

What is the House of Burgess?


This religious group, known for its pacifism and opposition to slavery, founded Pennsylvania under the leadership of William Penn.

Who are the Quakers?


These are the only Pixar franchises that have more than two movies.

What is Toy Story and Cars?


This Native American society, known for its large earthen mounds, flourished in the Mississippi River Valley before European contact.

What is Cahokia?


This conquistador led the conquest of the Inca Empire.

What is Francisco Pizarro?


This 1676 rebellion in Virginia was led by discontented frontiersmen who felt the colonial government wasn’t protecting them from Native American attacks.

What is Bacon's Rebellion?


This was one reason Anne Hutchinson was exiled from Massachusetts Bay Colony.

What is (ex. wanted women in religious roles, more toleration of other Anglicans, more church/state separation, etc.)


A famous quote from this movie is "Life is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get."

What is Forrest Gump?


The English gave Metacom this name, and it's also the name of the bloody conflict that ensued between his tribe and New Englanders.

What is King Philip?


These are two primary objectives of a nation adhering to a mercantilist economic system.

What is (ex. export more, high tariffs, state control, acquire bullion, domestic employment, etc.)


This was one consequence of the Zenger trial.

What is more freedom of press?


This was one cause of the First Great Awakening.

What is (ex. more liberal religious policies, reaction to Enlightenment or secularization, less pastor influence, etc.)


These are all the planets in our Solar System in order.

What are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto?


This Native American leader led a significant uprising against British colonists in the Great Lakes region after the French and Indian War.

Who is Powhatan?


In the Spanish caste system, these two classes were considered the most inferior and retained the fewest privileges.

What is mestizo and mulatto?


This was the purpose of the Dominion of New England.

What is to unite New England under a single governor and increase royal authority to better protect Americans?


This practice in Puritan society allowed the baptism of children whose parents had not yet experienced a full conversion, granting them partial church membership.

What is the Half-Way Covenant?


This is the name of one of the current quarterbacks for the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Who are Justin Fields and Russell Wilson?


This group of Native American nations formed a powerful confederation in the Northeast, which included the Mohawk, Seneca, and Onondaga tribes.

What is the Iroquois Confederacy?


This rebellion, which occurred in New Mexico in 1680, resulted in a temporary expulsion of the Spanish from the region.

What is the Pueblo Revolt?


This series of laws, beginning in 1651, regulated colonial trade by requiring goods to be shipped on English or colonial ships and passed through English ports.

What are the Navigation Acts?


These were the names of two prominent preachers associated with fiery sermons of the First Great Awakening. 

Who are Jonathon Edwards and George Whitefield?


These are the names of three Kirby games.

What are (many examples)?