-Immigrated to Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1the 630s
-1st Governor
-Led religious experiment
John Winthrop
-Early 1700s
The first group was orthodox clergy members who believed new revivals and ways of preaching were unnecessary
-The second group was more modern-preaching clergy members who believed in the Great Awakening
Old and New Lights
-Newspaper printer
-Protested royal governor
-Put on trial and ruled innocent
-Freedom of the press
John Peter Zenger
-Winter of 1609-1610
-Colonists in VA died of hunger
-60 out of 400 survived
Starving time
-England restricted colonial trade
-Only allowed to trade with England
Navigational Acts (Laws)
-Persecuted because English Quaker
-Started "Holy Experiment"
-"First American advertising man"
-Advertised freedom of worship in the New World
William Penn
-Religious reformists
-Wanted to "purify" Anglican Church
-Ideas started with John Calvin
-British colonial governor in VA
-Caused Bacon's Rebellion 1676
-Had poor frontier defense
William Berkeley
-Religious revival
-Motivate colonial America
-Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield
Great Awakening
-Attracted immigrants
-50 acres of land to someone who paid their way to New World
Headright System
-Great preacher during 1st Great Awakening
-Preached love and forgiveness
-Very Passionate
-Led to converting Indians and Africans to Christianity
George Whitefield
-Beliefs established by John ___ in the 1500s
- Puritans followed this
-Preached worship, strict morals, hard work
-Religious dissenter
-Provoked religious and political crisis
-Banished from Massachusets Bay Colony
Anne Hutchinson
-1689-1691 NYC
-Bloddy revolt between landholders and merchants
Leisler's Rebeliion
-Profitable trading route
-Started by New England-->Barter to get African slaves--->Sell to West Indies----> Get molasses to make rum
Triangular trade
-Pilgrim in Plymouth
-Governor 30 times
-Wilderness experiments
-"Of Plymouth Plantation"
William Bradford
-Idea behind Calvinism
-States salvation or damnation are unalterable
-Was the core belief of Puritans
-Scots-Irish men in Appalachian
-Wanted protection from Indians
-Protested Quakers and marched in Philly
-Started Regulator Movement
Paxton Boys
-Rebellion against people friendly to Indians
-Jamestown was torched
The leader of this was murdered by Indians
Bacon's Rebellion
-Connecticut River Colony
-Established a constitution
-Was the beginning for other state's charters and constitutions
-American theologian
-Congregational clergyman
-Sermons stirred the Great Awakening
Jonathan Edwards
-Allowed all Christian religions in Maryland
-Protected Catholics from Protestant rage
Act of Toleration
-Explored the northeastern coast of North America in 1497 for England
John Cabot
-Dangerous segment
-Journey from Africa to America
-Atlantic Ocean-Many slaves perished
Middle passage
-Plantation systems
-Indians enslaved disguised as being converted to Christianity
Encomienda System