why colonize
who led the first colony in James town
John Smith
who founded Massachusetts
Wm. Bradford
how many people arrive 2 years after rolf
starts as a conflict between
the natives and frontier settlers
what crop saves James town
whywas Connecticut founded
political freedom
what was the center of pilgrims lives
bacons rebellion can be compared to what 100 years later
the American revolution
navigation acts
who benefited the most from the headright system
wealthy colonists
who founded new Hampshire
settlers from Mass.
when do the pilgrims arrive
governor Berkeley supports
the native Americans
certain goods that could be traded with england
sugar, rice, tobacco
what was the most deadly year for James town
why was Rhode island founded
religious and political freedom
what is something residents did not need to eat
oak leaves
this was the first struggle against
common man vs aristocrats
purpose of the mother country
provide military support
what was England's gift to Virginia
house of burgesses
who founded Massachusetts
john Winthrop
what does john rolf find in jamestown
the starving time
one of bacons followers include
poor farmers, slaves, free men, ind. servants