The Americas
Western Europe
The Chinese concept of Mandate of Heaven refers to… A) the power granted to the ruler from divine sources B) the belief that China was superior to the rest of the world C) the emperor's obligation to give laws to his people D) the never-ending power of the emperor.
A) the power granted to the ruler from divine sources
Christianity.. A) remained a religion of the Roman Empire B) taught the forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus C) was not a missionary religion D) failed to utilize the public works of the Roman Empire E) gained an early popularity among Roman rulers
B) taught the forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus
The Chinese were to the Huang He as the Egyptians were to the… A) Tigris B) Euphrates C) Nile D) Indus
C) Nile
All early river valley civilizations were… A) city-states B) polytheistic C) law givers D) pastoralists
B) polytheistic
During the period of the late Roman Empire, Christianity.. A) experienced a change in its official status B) declined in numbers because of persecutions C) became less organzied as the empire fell D) appealed primarily to elite classes E) denied the equality of women in matters of faith
A) experienced a change in its official status
During the Gupta dynasty… A) arabic numeral originated in India B) slavery increased C) Hinduism and Buddhism became the official religions of India D) the government of India became more centralized E) the status of women improved
A) arabic numerals originated in India
Silk Road trade.. A) flourished in spite of constant inferences from nomadic tribes B) was confined to land routes across Asia C) bypassed Mesopotamia D) established links between the empires of Han China and Rome E) linked North Africa with Rome
D) established links between the empires of Han China and Rome
During the classical period, Africa.. A) was cut off from global trade patterns B) repelled Christian missionary efforts C) lost contact with classical civilizations D) saw new technology used in trans-Saharan travel E) saw the arrival of Buddhist missionaries
D) saw new technology used in trans-Saharan travel
The Maya civilization… A) was a byproduct of cultural diffusion from earlier Mesoamerican societies B) had a stratified society C) developed a city-state political structure D) all of the above E) none of the above
D) all of the above
The eastern portion of the Roman Empire A) successfully restored the boundaries of the western empire under Justinian B) competed with the Parthians and Sassanids for trade C) was a center of trade, art, and architecture D) unlike the western portion, did not experience pressure from invaders E) was cut off from contact with cultures from the east
C) was center of trade, art, and architecture
The Mauryan and Gupta empires both demonstrated India's… A) long and consistent history of imperial rule. B) political centralization overtaking regional kingdoms C) large influence of Islamic rule and culture D) history of rule by nomadic invaders
B) political centralization overtaking regional kingdoms
Which of the following civilizations was characterized by government participation by its citizens? A) China B) India C) Egypt D) Rome
D) Rome
The Hellenistic empire of Alexander.. A) continued the competition with Persia begun under the Greek poleis B) was successful in curbing foreign influence upon Greece C) produced theories that accurtaly explained the nature of the universe D) blended Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cultures E) strenghtened its hold upon the Mediterranean world after Alexander's death
D) blended Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cultures
Early societies of South America.. A) were unified under a central government B) were challenged by geographical limitations C) developed societies that had no knowledge of metals D) traded widely with regions to their north E) built upon Mesoamerica cultural traditions
B) were challenged by geographical limitations
Greek society.. A) was unified by the geography of the Greek peninsula B) was disrupted by the conquest of Alexander C) was extended through overseas colonization D) extended the democratic ideal by relying on free labor alone E) organzied its faith around a monotheistic religion
C) was extended through overseas colonization
Which of the following is true of both the Qin and Han dynasties? A) Confucianism was the philosophical basis of the government B) The merchant class was highly regarded C) The central government was strong D) Trade was discouraged
C) The central government was strong.
Both Greek and Chinese classical societies had a(n).. A) decentralizied political structure B) fluid social structure C) unbroken dynastic cycle D) patriarchal family structure
D) patriarchal family structure
The immediate cause of Ghana's downfall was.. A) environmental calamity B) the Crusades C) Muslim conquest D) takeover by the Portuguese E) the Atlantic slave trade
C) Muslim conquest
Which of the following statements draws an accurate similarity between early agricultural societies in the americas and those in the Eastern Hemisphere? A) American societies were matriarchal, while those in Eastern Hemisphere were patriarchal. B) Agricultural societies in both hemispheres were polytheistic. C) Both groups of societies relied on human muscle rather than on technology to carry out manual labor. D) Societies in the western hemisphere relied more on the flooding patterns of rivers than did those in Eastern Hemisphere.
B) Agricultural societies in both hemispheres were polytheistic.
From the time of Roman republic to the Pax Romana… A) Rome became increasingly democratic B) the Roman civilization became increasingly weaker C) the territory of Rome continued to expand D) Roman citizenship became increasingly rare E) Greek influence upon Rome became less pronounced
C) the territory of Rome continued to expand
All the following Chinese traditions and achievements began under the Han dynast except… A) the expansion into central Asia B) paper manufacture C) the civil service examine D) Confucian philosophy E) Bureaucratic government
D) Confucian philosophy
Under both the Han and Roman empires.. A) imperial roads were connected to the Silk Roads B) new territories were added to the empires C) a time of peace settled over both empires D) enduring cultural traditions were established E) all of the above
E) all of the above
All of the following were factors in the Bantu migrations EXCEPT… A) population pressures B) use of iron tools C) spread of agriculture D) floods
D) floods
Which of the following statements accurately compares the Incan and Roman Empires? A) Both emperors claimed to be the descendents of the sun god. B) Both empires built effective road systems which aided communication and trade throughout their empires. C) The Incan Empire had a tradition of representative government, while the Roman Empire claimed divine rights. D) Both empires declined due to nomadic invasions and significant decrease in trade.
B) Both empires built effective road systems which aided communication and trade throughout their empires.
Attempts to save the Roman Empire from ruin included A) the division of the latifundia B) initial acceptance of Christianity followed by increased persecution C) the emancipation of Roman slaves D) the establishment of a new capital in the eastern empire E) reducing the size of the empire
D) the stablishment of Roman slaves