The Silk Roads
Mongol Empire
Indian Ocean Trade
Trans-Saharan Trade
Crisis & Recovery

What regions of the world did the Silk Road connect together?

The Silk Road expanded from East Asia into Europe, tying them together with regions like South Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East.


Who was Genghis Khan, and why is he historically significant?

Genghis Khan was a Mongol warlord who united the Mongols into a single confederation in 1206. His subsequent conquests led to the establishment of the Mongol Empire.


How did Islam affect Indian Ocean trade?

The introduction of Muslim merchants to the Indian Ocean trade network intensified and expanded commerce in the region


What innovation led to the establishment and expansion of Trans-Saharan trade?

The introduction of the camel, which allowed for faster and safer travel through the Sahara Desert


What factors encouraged the spread of the bubonic plague during the 14th century?

The reestablishment of the Silk Roads in Eurasia inadvertently allowed for the spread of the bubonic plague from East Asia all the way into Europe


How did the Silk Roads facilitate the spread of Buddhism?

Buddhist merchants practiced and explained their religion along the Silk Roads. Buddhist monks and monasteries provided temporary shelter and and rest for traveling merchants.


How did Mongol imperial rule affect trade and travel in Eurasia?

Mongol rule connected most of Eurasia together, leading to the reestablishment of the Silk Roads and an increase in cultural interaction and exchange


How did Indian Ocean trade affect the Hindu caste system?

The prevalence of merchant trade encouraged Indian leaders to place merchants in a higher and more respected position in the caste system, as well as allow more room in the system for migrants and foreigners


Who was Ibn Battuta, and why is he historically significant?

Ibn Battuta was a Moroccan scholar and chronicler who traveled most of the known world during the 14th century. He traveled throughout Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and even into Europe.


Describe the effects of the Black Death in Europe

Europe lost approximately 40% of its population to the bubonic plague, decimating entire towns and cities. Labor revolts were frequent as serfs rebelled against their lords and demanded higher wages and more opportunities.


Describe one POSITIVE and one NEGATIVE aspect of long-distance trade along the Silk Roads

- Intensification and expansion of commerce
- Widespread cultural interaction and exchange
- Spread of technology like paper, gunpowder, etc.

- Spread of disease (smallpox, plague, etc.)
- Only exists under centralized control


What tactics did the Mongols utilize during their conquests?

- Speed and agility of equestrian warfare
- Precision and accuracy in archery
- Use of intimidation and psychological warfare


How did monsoons influence Indian Ocean trade?

Indian Ocean merchants planned their voyages based on the seasonal monsoons, using these winds to guide them to different regions based on the time of year


Why did monarchs in West Africa frequently convert to Islam?

West African rulers converted to Islam in order to win political and military support from neighboring Islamic kingdoms. Conversion also encouraged trade with Muslim merchants, who were the most prominent traders in Africa during this time period.


What factors contributed to the collapse of the Mongol Empire?

- Poor administrative ability
- Failure to establish clear lines of succession
- Spread of the bubonic plague
- Internal rebellions in China and Persia
- Economic turmoil


How did merchants conduct and organize trade along the Silk Roads?

Individual merchants transported goods along one stage of the Silk Road, then traded those goods to other merchants who would transport them along the next stage. Caravans and nomadic peoples were often used to protect and organize long-distance trade, particularly in harsh climates.


Identify all FOUR of the Mongol khanates

- Yuan Dynasty of China
- Ilkhanate of Persia
- Golden Horde of Russia
- Chagatai Khanate of Central Asia


Describe the origins of the Swahili language in East Africa

Indian Ocean trade connected East African merchants with Arab merchants, leading to the creation of a new trade language largely based on Bantu with significant words and grammatical rules borrowed from Arabic


Identify TWO effects of the Bantu Migrations in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Spread of agriculture, particularly the cultivation of bananas and yams
- Spread of iron metallurgy
- Spread of the Bantu language and dialect


How did China recover from the crises of the 14th century?

The Chinese drove the Mongols out of China and established the Ming Dynasty, which utilized Confucian philosophy and restored the civil service examinations


How and why was the Silk Road reestablished in the 13th century?

The Silk Road was reestablished through the Mongol conquests of Eurasia. By conquering and uniting regions between East Asia and Europe, the Mongols effectively made trade and travel both safer and easier than ever before. The Mongol Empire benefited from this by taxing trade along the recreated Silk Roads.


Identify and explain THREE effects of Mongol conquest and rule in Eurasia

- Destruction and devastation of major cities
- Collapse of the Chinese Song Dynasty and the Abbasid Caliphate
- Use of religious tolerance within the empire
- Reestablishment of the Silk Road trade routes
- Creation of an international law code (Yassa)
- Pax Mongolica (Mongol peace and stability)
- Spread of bubonic plague (unintentional)


How did Indian Ocean trade facilitate the spread of wealth and ideas?

Indian Ocean trade connected a wide variety of regions and cultures, including China, India, Persia, Arabia, East Africa, and Southeast Asia. This allowed multiple cultures and religions to interact with one another to trade goods and spread their cultural traditions to new regions of the world.


How did the Trans-Saharan trade routes affect Sub-Saharan African society?

Trans-Saharan trade connected West Africa with the rest of the world, allowing for more cultural and technological exchanges. Gold and salt found in West Africa fueled trade in other parts of the world, making Ghana and Mali popular destinations. The introduction of Islam led to the creation of syncretic religious beliefs that mixed Islam with traditional African cultural traditions.

How was the Renaissance a cultural revival for Europe?

The Renaissance resulted from innovations based on art, literature, and architecture, mostly based on idealized Greco-Roman standards. The philosophy of humanism encouraged educational advancement, cultural progress, and the use of logic and reason.