Christian Beliefs
Christian Practices
Islamic Beliefs
Islamic Practices
Themes B,A,C,E

Unit 1: Nature of God: 

What key term means...

All-knowing - aware of everything that happens in the past, present and future, including our actions and thoughts.

Omniscience / Omniscient


Unit 1: Worship and Festivals

What key term means...

An expression of adoration and praise for God. It is done through acts of religious praise, honour or devotion.



Unit 1: Key Beliefs

What Arabic key term means...

the belief in the prophets as an important channel of communication between God and humas, and that Muhammad is the most important prophet.



Unit 1: Worship

What Arabic key term means …

the religious duty of obligatory almsgiving for Shia Muslims, through the payment of a 20% tax on annual surplus income



Unit 1: The origins of the universe

What event is being spoken about in this religious conflict...

Christianity (Liberals): _______________ could have been God's way of forming the universe. 

Islam: The Quran's story of creation closely resembles the modern scientific theories such as __________________, allowing Muslims to believe in both.

The Big Band Theory


Unit 2: The problem of evil and suffering

Inconsistent Triad - Fill in the two key terms to complete the passage.

The existence of evil and suffering, both natural and moral, challenges God's ______1_______ and ______2________. Meaning if God was _____1______, he would want to prevent evil and suffering. If God was ____2_______, he would be able to do so. 

1. Omnibenevolence

2. Omnipotence


Unit 1: Worship

Name one disadvantage of liturgical worship.

No personal expression - Liturgical worship is less engaging and may feel repetitive, or like a chore. 

No meaning - the real meaning of worship is lost through repetition, most repeat steps of worship, without truly appreciating their meaning. 

Not relevant - Liturgical worship is too traditional and old fashioned - it may not be suitable for our modern society. 


Unit 2: Angels

What different believes do Sunni and Shia Muslims have about angels and obeying God?

Sunni: Believe that angels have no free will, they will always obey God's commandments.

Shia: Believe that angels have limited free will, they are able to stray and disobey God, but are obedient to God, because they have no desire to sin. 


Unit 4: Jummah

Jammah is the weekly communal prayer, what day and time of the week is Jummah performed?

Midday on Friday


Theme C Unit 1: Philosophical Arguments

What argument is being spoken about in this difference of views...

Christians: Support the argument - Genesis 1 supports the argument, as it shows that God planned the development of the universe. 

Theists: This argument is important to theists, for some they provide proof that God exists, for others they strengthen the faith they already have in God. 

The Design Argument

(nature could not have been chance, and requires intelligent design - that designer is God.)


Unit 5: Resurrection

Give two importance's of the belief in resurrection.  

Trust in God: the belief in resurrection encourages Christians to place their trust in God - only those who believe in God will have eternal life with him.

Hope: The belief in resurrection allows Christians to have hope of a permanent, eternal future with Jesus. 

No need to fear death: The belief in resurrection reassures Christians that they do not need to fear death, as they will be resurrected just as Jesus was. 


Unit 6: The role of the Church

Give three examples of how the Church cares for those in need. 

1. Food banks (Trussell Trust): A food bank network in the UK that aims to end poverty and hunger by providing practical help and campaigning for justice. 

2. Street Pastors: Provides care to people on the streets, and aims to spread God's love to everyone in the community through their positive actions. 

3. Parish nursing: Provides holistic healthcare that aims to improve both physical and mental wellbeing. 


Unit 11: Resurrection

What roles do Munkar and Nakir have in the Islamic faith?

Test the faith of the dead in their grave - they question the souls of the dead, about their faith and understanding of Islam. 

  • If people answer correctly, they will see rewards to come.

  • If people answer incorrectly and denied God during their lives, they will suffer and endure punishments.


Unit 17: The Night of Power

What is The Night of Power?

The Night of Power is when the first revelation of the Quran was made to Muhammad, marking the beginning of God's revelation of the Quran. 

The Night of Power is believed to take place on one of the odd numbered dates in the second half of Ramadan - its exact date is unknown.


Theme E Unit 6: Retribution

State the contrasting (different) views of both Christians and Muslims about Retribution? 

Some Christians believe in Old Testament teachings: Offenders should receive a punishment severe enough to match the seriousness of the crime.

Some Muslims believe victims can choose to grant mercy and forgiveness.


Unit : The Crucifixion of Jesus

Name the four stages/events of the Crucifixion.

1. Last Supper: Jesus gave his disciples bread and wine, telling them to eat and drink, as it was his body and blood - he told them to do this as his memorial.

2. Capture and Sentence: Judas led soldiers to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, who arrested him, he was tried and convicted of blasphemy, and was sentenced to death by crucifixion.  

3. Crucifixion: Jesus was crucified on Good Friday, with his wrists nailed to a cross- he suffered for six hours before his death. 

4. Burial: Jesus' body was laid in a rock tomb, as there was insufficient time to bury him properly before Sabbath, a large boulder was rolled over the entrance. 


Unit : Reconciliation

There are many things the Bible teaches about reconciliation, name the two main teachings.

  • The Bible encourages reconciliation, and disapproves of conflict.

  • The Bible states that Christians are not only to be reconciled with God, but should also be reconciled with one another. 


Unit : Holy Books

Translate the following Arabic words (in bold) into their English meaning. HINT: The first four books were given to Jews and Christians, which is why the followers of these faiths are also known as People of the Book. 

1. Tawrat of Musa

2. Zabur of Dawud

3. Injil of Isa

4. Sahifah of Ibrahim

1. Tawrat of Musa : Torah of Moses

2. Zabur of Dawud : Psalms of David

3. Injil of Isa : Gospel of Jesus

4. Sahifah of Ibrahim : Scrolls of Abraham


Unit : Festivals

The day of _____________? Fill in the gaps below with the same word.

____________ is the day when the Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt - God parted the Red Sea, saving Musa and the Israelites from the pharaoh. 

  • Sunni Muslims observe ______________ , which they refer to as the day of atonement.

  • Shia Muslims observe _____________, which they believe is a day of great sorrow, because of the tragic event that took place at Karbala.

_______________ takes place on the 10th day of the 1st month of the Islamic calendar



Theme A: Gender

The Church of England has allowed women priests since what year?



Exam Question: Give two Christian beliefs about salvation.

 Any two of the following: 

  • Salvation means to be saved from sin.
  • Salvation means to be saved from death.
  • Salvation means to be saved from other consequences, such as being sent to hell.
  • Salvation means to have eternal life with God.
  • Salvation means to be forgiven after repentance.
  • Salvation allows for a fresh start after forgiveness.
  • Salvation occurs after atonement.
  • Salvation can come about through having faith in God.
  • Salvation can come about by following God’s commands.
  • Salvation is possible through God’s grace.
  • Salvation can come through God’s law.
  • Salvation is achieved by faith in Jesus.
  • Salvation can come through good works.
  • Salvation is achieved through Jesus’ death on the cross.
  • Salvation is achieved through Jesus’ resurrection from death.
  • Salvation is available to all.
  • One must accept Jesus to receive salvation.
  • Salvation is received through baptism.
  • Salvation involves being born again.
  • Salvation comes from the Holy Spirit.
  • Salvation allows entry into the kingdom of God.
  • Salvation allows entry into heaven.
  • Salvation proves God’s love for humanity.

Exam Question: Give two different forms of private worship.

Any two of the following: 

  • Praying alone.
  • Praising God on one’s own.
  • Meditating.
  • Studying the Bible privately.
  • Using the rosary.
  • Using an icon.
  • Saying a prayer of thanks before a meal.
  • Singing hymns alone.
  • Speaking alone in tongues.
  • Other forms of worship carried out by one person.

Exam Question: Give two Muslim beliefs about the Qur’an.

Any two of the following: 

  • The Qur'an is the direct word of Allah.
  • The Qur'an is holy.
  • The Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.
  • The Qur'an was revealed over a period of time.
  • The Qur'an was revealed on Mount Hira.
  • The Qur'an was revealed on the Night of Power (Laylatul Qadr).
  • The Qur'an was revealed by the angel Jibril.
  • The Qur'an is unaltered.
  • The Qur'an is protected by Allah himself.
  • The Qur'an is eternal.
  • The Qur'an is the final revelation.
  • The Qur'an is a source of guidance.
  • The Qur'an contains key Muslim beliefs and teachings.
  • The Qur'an contains the stories of the prophets.
  • The Qur'an is used in worship and is recited.
  • Wudu must be performed before touching the Qur'an.
  • The Qur'an is treated with respect.
  • The Qur'an is memorised.
  • The Qur'an is one of the four holy books in Islam.
  • The Qur'an contains 30 chapters.
  • The Qur'an contains 114 surahs.
  • The Qur'an is written in Arabic.

Exam Question: Give two religious actions Muslims perform during Salah.

Any two of the following: 

  • Making Niyyah (intention to pray).
  • Standing (qiyam).
  • Raising the hands.
  • Saying Allahu Akbar (takbir).
  • Folding arms.
  • Facing Makkah (qiblah).
  • Women placing their hands on their chest.
  • Reciting Surah Al-Fatiha (from the Qur'an).
  • Reciting another surah.
  • Glorifying Allah (tasbeeh).
  • Performing a half bow (ruku).
  • Performing prostration (sujood).
  • Using a prayer mat.
  • Concentrating and focusing on Allah.
  • Shi’a Muslims placing their head on a sacred rock.
  • Reciting a prayer (dua).
  • Sending salutations to the Prophet.
  • Sending peace to the angels.
  • Turning the head to the right and left (salaam).
  • Moving the index finger.
  • Raising the right foot in tashahud.
  • Listening to the Qur'an being recited by the imam.
  • Following the actions of the imam.

Exam Question: Give two reasons why some religious believers support animal experimentation.

Any two of the following: 

  • Scientists need to test new products. (Christianity and Islam)
  • Animal experimentation helps protect human life. (Christianity and Islam)
  • It ensures safety for use on humans. (Christianity and Islam)
  • Support may be given for limited animal testing if there is no other safe way to develop medicines. (Christianity and Islam)
  • It should be carried out in a caring way to cause limited suffering to the animals. (Christianity and Islam)
  • Many believe the sanctity of life applies only to humans, so people are regarded as more important than animals. (Christianity and Islam)
  • Humans are the highest of God’s creation, so they may do whatever is necessary, albeit humanely, to help humans. (Christianity and Islam)
  • The idea of dominion suggests God gave humans authority to rule over animals. (Christianity only) 
  • Religions believe humans are more valuable than animals. (Christianity and Islam)