What does the term "Aqeedah" mean in Islam?
Answer: It means "creed" or "belief system."
What is one way a Muslim can strengthen their Aqeedah?
Answer: By reading the Qur'an regularly and learning about Allah's attributes.
What does "Halal" mean?
Answer: It means "permissible" or "lawful" according to Islamic teachings.
Give an example of a Halal activity in daily life.
Answer: Performing Salah (prayer).
What does Islam say about spreading false information?
Answer: It is forbidden (Haram) and a major sin.
Name three of the six articles of faith.
Answer: Belief in Allah, Angels, and the Prophets.
What does belief in Qadr (divine destiny) teach Muslims?
Answer: It teaches acceptance and patience in both success and hardship.
What must a Muslim say before eating food?
Answer: "Bismillah" (In the name of Allah).
How can a Muslim ensure their income is Halal?
Answer: By avoiding dishonest business practices and prohibited trades.
What is backbiting, and why is it forbidden?
Answer: Talking about someone in their absence negatively; it harms social relationships and is sinful.
What is Tawheed?
Answer: Tawheed is the belief in the Oneness of Allah.
Why must a Muslim believe in the Prophets?
Answer: They were chosen by Allah to guide humanity with His message.
Why is alcohol considered Haram in Islam?
Answer: It intoxicates the mind and leads to harmful behavior.
What are some signs that food might be Haram?
Answer: The presence of pork, alcohol, or improper slaughtering methods.
Give two examples of positive behavior on social media.
Answer: Sharing beneficial Islamic content and offering words of encouragement.
Why is belief in the Day of Judgment essential for Muslims?
Answer: It motivates ethical behavior and accountability for one’s actions.
What role do the revealed books play in strengthening a Muslim’s Aqeedah?
Answer: They provide divine guidance for living a righteous life.
How does Islamic finance avoid Haram practices?
Answer: By prohibiting interest (Riba) and investing in unethical industries.
Explain why gambling is Haram in Islam.
Answer: It promotes greed and loss of wealth without productive effort.
Why is self-discipline important when using social media?
Answer: To avoid wasting time, spreading harm, or engaging in sinful behavior.
Analyze the difference between Tawheed and Shirk.
Answer: Tawheed is the belief in Allah's oneness, while Shirk is associating partners with Him.
Discuss how Aqeedah helps Muslims remain strong during difficult times.
Answer: It provides comfort through belief in Allah's wisdom, destiny, and the promise of reward in the afterlife.
What does Islam teach about doubtful matters?
Answer: Muslims are encouraged to avoid doubtful matters to safeguard their faith.
What is the Islamic perspective on modest clothing?
Answer: Muslims are required to dress modestly, avoiding clothing that exposes the body excessively or draws inappropriate attention.
Propose one way a Muslim can use social media for Dawah.
Answer: By creating content that promotes Islamic teachings and values.