Activated Carbon
Heat it up
I'm a designer

What is one major con of activated carbon?

it is indiscriminate 


What can be commonly found in a Ozone destruction unit?

activated carbon or UV


When should you replace your UV Bulb?

every 9,000 hours or 12 months


what are two types of resistance heaters

immersion heater

inline heater


what are the three commandments of reef keeping

  • Maintain appropriate water chemistry
  • Provide sufficient lighting
  • Mimic natural reef flow regimes

What are the three goals of activated carbon

water purification

DOM removal 

remove residual medication 


What are 3 goals of Ozone

Oxidize DOM, Clarify Water, reduce organic toxins, inactivate virus, enhance nitrification


What are the 3 main goals of UV sterilization

to Generate ozone

Ozone destruction

Microbial sterilization


Name two types of indirect heating methods

tube exchanger and plate exchanger


why is solids removal important in aquaponics?

  • Important for plant health
  • Eliminates biofouling
  • Could create an anaerobic environment
  • Produce methane or hydrogen sulfide

Name 3 physical factors and 2 environmental factors of adoption efficiency 

Surface area, pore structure, surface polarity, grain size

temperature, pH, and contact time


What is an air dryer used for in and why is it important?

For air to be used to generate ozone it must be less than 35% humidity to be effective. If the humidity is not removed it can lead to the formation of nitric acid which can acidify the water 


What is UV dos and how is it measured

  • Measured of UV exposure
  • Dose= intensity  (measured of strength) * contact time (flow rate or vessel volume)

How does a tub exchanger work?

  • Numerous tubes within a cylindrical shell
  • One stream flows over the tubes
  • One stream flows within the tubes

what is a pro and con of aquaponics? 


  • Reduces the build up of nitrogen and organic matters
  • Minimized water changes-
  • Reduces cost of system
  • Can add profit to your system
  • Reduced need for a biofiltration


  • Need a larger plant to fish ratio to have a successful system
  • Must rely on biological controls

Explain how activated carbon is used over time including the correct zone names

As time continues, the adsorption zone shifts and a saturated zone is created, eventually leading to no fresh zone


What does TRO stand for and How are TRO's created?

Total Residual Oxidizers

created when ozone reacts with seawater to create a secondary oxidizer

o3+ Br- -> BrO3


What is the difference between a low pressure UV bulb and a medium pressure UV bulb

which in industry standard

Low pressure has monochromatic irradiation 

Industry standard

Medium pressure has a broad irradiation spectrum


Name the 3 types of flows found in heat exchange and list them from most efficient to least efficient

counter current- most effective

cross current

con current- least effective


Why is flow important in reef tanks

  • Coral health
  • Prevent debris from settling
  • Regulates light exposures in many corals

How is activated carbon made?


  • Need a carbonaceous material
  • Heat at 170 C to dehydrate the material until no water remains


  • Heat up to 400-600 C in an environment absent of oxygen
  • All volatile organic material is boiled out of the system resulting in 80 of primary carbon


  • Take charcoal and activate it by bombarding it with high-pressure, high-temperature (750-950 C) steam
  • Helps to burn off remaining decomposition products and opens millions of pores

Name two ways ozone is generated and how does each one work?

Corona Discharge-

  • High voltage across the plate is sued to split o2 to O, O will quickly bond to an o2 to form o3

UV radiation

UV radiation strikes the o2 molecule to split into two oxygen atoms. the monotomic atom bonds with an o2 atom to form o3


How is DNA deactivated and how could it repair itself?

  • UV light energies to create a covalent bond to create a dimer between the thymine
  • The dimer creates a kink in the DNA
  • Makes it hard to replicate and creates mutant daughter cells
  • Could be repaired through microbial repair where it “cuts out the damaged DNA and replaces it
  • UV sterilization must be strong enough to overcome the repair mechanism

How does a heat exchanger work?

  • When you take two streams and place them in contact with each other, direct or indirect, heat transfer OR EXCHANGE will occur. The colder stream will absorb heat and the hotter stream will lose heat.

What is ideal water quality for a reef tank

salinity 32-40 ppt

temperature 21-30 c

pH 8.2-8.4

alkalinity 3-4 DKH ( 180-200 ppm)

ammonia and nitrite: 0 ppm

nitrate:10-15 ppm

phosphate less than 0.1

calcium 400-450

magnesium 1300-1400