List 3 type of marine species does urban farmer collect
Oysters, mussels, shrimp, salmon, clams, tilapia, trout, and catfish
Is chemical use for aquaculture beneficial? Yes or No? Why?
No, because the chemicals affect other organisms and human health. Yes, because of the speed of successful harvesting.
How does aquaculture work with environmental concerns?
They make sure that any aquaculture process is meeting safety standards and using fish that is lower on the food chain in order to prevent ecological problems from occurring.
Which aquaculture does urban farmers rely on more. Marine aquaculture or freshwater aquaculture?
Freshwater Aquaculture is about 70% of US production.
Where are aquaculture located?
pond, rivers, lakes, and the ocean.
How do farmers and other individuals get involved?
1. Control breeding
2. Prevent disease from spreading within the fishes
3. giving fishes the appropriate diet/nutrition
How much does America import seafood?
84% and half is from aquaculture.
Define aquaculture
It is the cultivation of aquatic organisms in a controlled environment
How is the government involved in aquaculture?
The government help subsidize the farming by giving loans and tax exemptions.
What is California's economic impact on aquaculture?
(Hint: its a number)
CA spends about $200 million
List one out of the 4 possible aquaculture's purpose.
1. Food Production
2. rebuilding of populations of endangered sea species
3. production of bait-fish
4. Entertainment such zoos/aquariums
What is the advantage of aquaculture?
Being located close to urban markets and being able to access urban waste resources.
What is the USA economic impact of aquaculture? (hint: its a number)
$1.37 Billion