This is the minimum age at which a person must be in order to supervise a child under the age of 8 in the pool
What is 14
The steam room, viewing area, pool deck, behind the waterslide and changerooms are considered this type of zone
What is secondary
This report needs to be filled out if you have to pull someone out of the water or throw your rescue tube to them
What is Public Injury report
This is the amount of time that every qualification needs to be recertified
What is 2 years
If chlorine is less than this number for the leisure pool, tot pool & hot tub, you must notify Operations
What is 2.0ppm
This type of activity or game can lead to shallow water blackout and drowning incidents
What is Breath Holding
The pool will be capped once the leisure pool reaches this amount of patrons
What is 200
When reporting an incident, your report needs to contain this instead of opinions
What are facts
This is the main phone number you call if you are going to be late, need assistance with shift coverage or need to get ahold of the other staff members for any reason
What is 403-948-8804
If the pH is outside of this range, you must notify Operations
What is 6.8-7.6
You should consult with this staff member before handing out consequences, such as asking patrons to leave
What is the Shift Leader
After this amount of time, lifeguards must be provided with a 15 minute break from surveillance
What is 2 hours
This is the Aquatics area’s cold weather muster point when an evacuation is in progress
What is Ron Ebbeson Arena
This is the minimum amount of hours you must work for each of the following: teaching, guarding, shift lead, slide [4 answers]
What is 1.5 hours, 2.25 hours, 2 hours, 3 hours
This is the binder you can reference if you want to know how to perform daily maintenance, including any chemicals or personal protective equipment required
What is Maintenance How To
Dogs with valid Government of Alberta Service Dog ID cards are allowed to be on the pool deck, but not allowed here
What is in the pools
Lifeguard ratios will depend on these two times of day
What is non-prime hours and prime hours
This can happen to anyone involved any time there is an incident involving violence, severe injury or death, or a dramatic rescue occurs
What is Critical Incident Stress
If a Shift Leader deems a staff member to be this, they have a responsibility to send the staff member home, regardless of whether the staff member agrees
What is unable to safely carry out their duties
Children in these grades must wear a lifejacket (without the option of doing a swim test) during fun swims for school bookings
What is Kindergarten-Grade 3
This is the depth Lifesaving Society recommends the depth to be for head first entries
What is 2.5m
This is the appendix in which lifeguard rotation pathways can be found in the Aquatic Manual
What is D
As aquatics, we are not licensed medical professionals, so when presented with this you must still continue with resuscitation efforts
What is a DNR
Any shifts under this amount of time are not mandated to have a scheduled break
What is 5 hours
These are the 3 options you can check off for the swim test form for day camps
What is strong pass, weak pass and fail