Has the nickname Kat
Who is Katczinsky
Did this to Himmelstoss in the middle of the night
What is jump him
Most common food in the mess hall
What are beans
Sergeant of Baumer's division
Who is Himmelstoss
Found by Katczinsky to use as a mattress
What is straw
What is bread
Suggests a festival like a bull fight to decide wars
Who is Kropp
Numbers of new draftees that come to the platoon
What is 25
Only food the reinforcements had ate before arriving
What are turnips
Wets the bed while he sleeps
Who is Tjaden
What are rocks
Cooked by Katczinsky with a fire on the floor
What is horse-flesh
Beat Himmelstoss after he was captured under the bed sheet
Who is Haie Westhus
Game where soldiers had to scramble under beds on command
What is "Change at Lohne"
Ingredients in Tjaden's "national dish"