Talking about yourself
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Abie (patinar)
el patina
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Talking to Benji (practicar deportes)
Tu practicas deportes
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Travis (tocar)
El toca
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Louise y Bebe (pasar)
Ellas pasan
Talking to Mr. G
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Talking to Sra. Aburomi (hablar)
usted habla
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Theo y yo (jugar al beisbol)
Nosotros jugamos al beisbol
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Samantha (dibujar)
Ella dibuja
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Xander y yo (caminar)
Nosotros caminamos
Jack y yo
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Lucy (montar en bicicleta)
ella monta en bicicleta
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Talking to Dr. Smalls (dibujar)
usted dibuja
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Leo y Lucy (escuchar)
ellos escuchan
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Izzy (descansar)
ella descansa
Talking to Izzy, Isabella y Red
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Preston y yo (bailar)
Nosotros Bailamos
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Talking to Anya y Violet, in Spain (nadar)
vosotras nadais
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Sra. McGlotten (estudiar)
Ella estudia
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Talking to Basia (trabajar)
Tu trabajas
Talking to Maddy y Lorelai, in Spain
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Talking to Srta. Goglia y Sra. Moderna, in Spain
ustedes cocinan (it's formal, talking to two teachers)
Talking to Caleb y Sam, in Spain (patinar)
Vosotros patinais
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Talking to Will y Elias (cantar)
Ustedes cantan
What is the subject pronoun and the correct form of the -ar verb?
Chloe y tu (navegar por internet)
Ustedes navegan por internet