Arab Influential People
Arab Food
Arab Culture
AAPI History/Culture
AAPI Influential People

A Palestinian-American fashional model, making many appearances on Vogue and named Model of the Year by the British Fashion Council. 

Who is Bella Hadid?


Often served as a side dish or starter (appetizer, if you will) with Pita bread and very popular among Middle Eastern culture. 

What is Hummus?


The largest Arab American population in the United States.

What is Dearborn, MI?


This language is the second most spoken language in the world.

What is Mandarin?


She is known to be the United States first ever Black, Asian-American Women to serve as Vice President.

Who is Kamala Harris?

A well-known actress who served in productions like Grown Ups, Grown Ups 2, and Frida (to list a few). She is Hollywood's most powerful and influential Latina/Lebanese actress. 

Who is Salma Hayek?


A traditional Middle Eastern dish that originated in the Levant region, made in a pita wrap containing meat (traditionally lamb or mutton) along with chopped vegetables and assorted condiments.

What is a Shawarma?


The most common language spoken among Arab Americans.

What is Arabic?


This country is known to be the second most populated country in the world, with a population of 1.5 billion people.

What is India?

He is known as an Actor, businessman and more commonly, a professional wrestler (as a part of WWE).

Who is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson?


Detroit native and first Palestinian-American woman to be elected into Congress. She currently serves as a U.S. representative for Michigan's 12th congressional district. 

Who is Rashiba Tlaib?


An American staple that was actually invented by an Arab American. This is often served along with a sweet treat.

What is a waffle cone?


The predominant religion in the Arab World.

What is Islam?


This state became the official 50th state in the United States on August 21st, 1959.

What is Hawaii?

This beauty influencer, who is Filipino-American started from Vine and YouTube, originally from and continues to reside in Hawaii.

Who is Bretman Rock?


Known as one of the founders and creators of a very famous technology company (such as phones, laptops, watches, headphones in different styles, tablets, etc) and unfortunately lost their battle with cancer in 2011. They are of Syrian descent. 

Who is Steve Jobs?


Hummus is commonly made out of this item and is also known as a common meat substitute for vegan and vegetarian people.

What are Chickpeas?


Arab literature has produced some of the world's greatest works, including One Thousand and One Nights.

What is Arabian Nights?


Asian-Americans first started migrating into the Americas at the time in this century.

What is the 18th century?


This person served as a US President and is known to have Asian ancestry.

Who is Barack Obama?


A long-serving member and the first female of the White House press corps, with the opportunity to cover throughout ten different presidential administrations. She, unfortunately, passed away during the second year of President Obama's second year in office. 

Who is Helen Thomas?


One of the most common meat/proteins eaten among Arab Americans.

What is lamb?


This is the most popular Arab American ethnicity living in the United States.

Who are Lebanese Americans? 


This background is known to have the most educated individuals aged 25 and up, compared to other backgrounds in the same age group. (Roughly about 60% of their population)

Who are Asian-Americans?


This influential individual was known as one of the Co-founders of YouTube. 

Who is Seongjoon Cho?