The first 5 letters are:
what is: ا ب ت ث ج?
in Arabic, we write in this direction
what is right to left?
read this word: بابا
the amount of letters in your last name (include long vowels)
answer varies
صابح الخير
Say these 3 letters: ج ح خ
this is أ (alif) appears where in a word - at the ....... and ........
what is beginning and end?
Sounds of tanween on و
What is وً وٍ وٌ
What is sukoon?
Respond to "Good morning" in Arabic...
صابح النور
what is the difference in sound between ت and ط
what is ت is lighter in sound and ط is deeper
name 3 sets of letters that look alike but differ in dots
what is ج ح خ or ب ت ث?
What is shadda ّ ?
name 3 letters that are go beneath the line
raa, zayn, seen, sheen, sawd, dawd, etc.
"Hello and welcome!"
أهلاً وسهلاً
name 6 letters that do not connect from the left
what is ا د ذ ر ز و
name any three letters with a dot on top
what is خ ذ زظ ض غ ف ن
What two letters make a noun definite?
what is ال?
we go from masculine to feminine by adding this letter
what is taa?
This phrase that strikes despair in every Arab child's heart...
إن شاء الله
spell your name in arabic (say the letters)
answer varies
What are all the forms of ة (ta -marbutah)?
what is تتة ة?
read these two words: شجرة زيتون
what is shajarat zaytoun?
this is the 21st letter of the Arabic alphabet
"A thousand thanks"
What is ألف شكر ?