Respectful of Self and Others
Ready to Learn

How can you be respectful in your classroom?

How can you be respectful in your classroom?

  • Raise your hand

  • Cooperate with others

  • Listen to the speaker

  • Leave others’ property alone

  • Observe personal space


How can you be accountable in the classroom?

How can you be accountable in the classroom?

  • Turn in your work/ homework on time

  • Stay on task

  • Be responsible for your actions


How can you be ready to learn in PE?

How can you be ready to learn in PE?

  • Listen to the teachers instructions

  • Use the equipment correctly

  • Don’t talk over the teacher

  • Use the restroom before PE


How can you be safe on the “Cougar”?

How can you be safe on the “Cougar”?b

  • Feet first down the slide

  • Walk

  • Do not play tag here

  • Eat at the picnic tables

  • Keep equipment on the blacktop


How can you be respectful in the office?

How can you be respectful in the office?

  • Be quiet

  • Be patient

  • Wait in a chair

  • Wait your turn to talk to Ms. Shanon or Ms. Katy

  • Have a hall pass


How can you be accountable in the music room?

How can you be accountable in the music room?

  • Take care of the instruments

  • Listen when others are talking

  • Follow directions


How can you be ready to learn in the classroom?

How can you be ready to learn in the classroom?

  • Listen to the person who is speaking

  • No side conversations

  • Use tools appropriately

  • Keep desk and backpack organized


How can you safely use equipment?

How can you safely use equipment?

  • Basketballs are meant for bouncing and shooting

  • Kick the soccer balls and red/yellow balls

  • Use the jump ropes to actually jump

  • Use the hula hoops appropriately and one at a time


How can you be respectful in the cafeteria?

How can you be respectful in the cafeteria?

  • Use inside voices

  • Pay attention in line

  • Don’t play with your food

  • Leave the lights on

  • Respectfully put your food and trash in the garbage cans


How can you be accountable in STARS?

How can you be accountable in STARS?

  • Leave the classroom clean 

  • Be respectful of students and staff

  • Stay with your group

  • Listen to leader and follow directions


How can you be ready to learn at an assembly?

How can you be ready to learn at an assembly?

  • Be polite

  • Pay attention to the speaker

  • No side conversations

  • Stay in your seat

  • Hands and feet to yourself


How can you be safe on the sidewalk?

How can you be safe on the sidewalk?

  • Be polite, walk on the right

  • Walk (especially when it is raining)

  • Follow the cougar paws

  • Stay in your class line


How can you be respectful in the library?

How can you be respectful in the library?

  • Use inside voices

  • Turn your books in on time

  • Take care of your books

  • Put the books back where you found them


How can you be accountable on the bus?

How can you be accountable on the bus?

  • Don’t throw anything

  • Stay in your seat

  • Quiet voices

  • Do not eat on the bus


How can you be ready to learn on a field trip?

How can you be ready to learn on a field trip?

  • Listen to directions

  • Stay with your group

  • Only speak when you are supposed to 

  • Stay in your seat

  • Be prepared for the weather


How can you be safe in the classroom?

How can you be safe in the classroom?

  • Use supplies correctly

  • Walk

  • No standing on chairs

  • Don’t throw things

  • Sit correctly in your chair “four on the floor”


How can you be respectful in the Multipurpose room when it is time to go home?

How can you be respectful in the Multipurpose room when it is time to go home?

  • Be quiet so you can hear your name being called

  • No eating

  • Keep everything in your backpack


How can you be accountable in the bathroom?

How can you be accountable in the bathroom?

  • Do not look over/under the stalls

  • Turn the water off

  • Use the bathroom only when needed

  • Throw paper towels in the trash 


How can you be ready to learn in WIN?

How can you be ready to learn in WIN?

  • Have your materials ready to go

  • Know which class you go to

  • Be respectful to your WIN teacher


How can you be safe during a drill?

How can you be safe during a drill?

  • Stay in line (during fire drill)

  • Make sure your teacher knows where you are going at all times

  • Be quiet

  • Follow the teacher’s directions

  • Be calm