Which city was founded by Romulus?
What is the Roman Senate door made out of?
Who was assassinated on the ides of March?
Julius Caesar.
Which Language family does English belong to?
Germanic (West Germanic)
Which Playwright wrote about the Assassination of Julius Caesar?
William Shakespeare
Where was Caesar assassinated?
The Roman Senate.
What is a Bog?
A swamp
Which Roman General married Cleopatra and committed suicide after losing a war?
Mark Antony (Marcus Antonius)
Which language family do the following words belong to? (Loup, Lobo, Lupus)
Which Roman City was buried beneath Volcanic ash?
What was the Roman Border with Germania?
The Rhine River.
What was Stonehenge used for?
Astronomy/Religious Practices
Which Germanic General defeated the Romans during the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest?
Which Language family do the following words belong to? (King, Cyning, König, Konge, Kung)
What were Spartan slaves called?
Which Greek City-state had a large navy, but small army?
What was the priest class called in Celtic Europe?
Who became the First Roman Emperor after the Assassination of Julius Caesar and the civil wars?
Octavian (Augustus)
Which Language family do the following words belong to? (Volk, Wilk)
Name one famous battle that the ancient greeks fought.
Marathon, Thermopylae, etc.
In what modern-day country is Troy located?
Why were the bog bodies so well preserved?
They were killed and left in an anaerobic environment.
What were Julius Caesar's conquest of France known as?
the Gallic Wars.
Name a story written in Old English.
Famous Greek historian who wrote about the Peloponnesian Wars.