Principles of Archaeology
"Lost Civilizations?" Atlantis and Mound-Builders
Arrivals in America
Frauds and Hoaxes
This term refers to a distinctive spatial clustering of artifacts, features, organic and environmental remains.
What is a site
Unlike Egyptian pyramids, Maya pyramids feature these
What are: -"stepped" construction -temples or platforms at the summit -external stairways
This defines the idea of "hyper-diffusion," as argued by Ignatius Donnelly
What is the idea that an ancient technologically advanced Atlantian society spread technology and culture to peoples around the world such as the Ancient Egyptians and Classic Maya
Concrete archaeological evidence of this culture was found at L'anse aux Meadows, in Newfoundland.
Who are the Norse (Vikings)
The Piltdown Man hoax was fabricated for this reason
What is the promotion of English nationalism
Occam's Razor guides an individual presented with multiple possible explanations of a phenomenon to choose this
What is the one with the fewest assumptions
Centered in what are now the Mexican states of Veracruz and Tabasco, this culture is known for their early writing system and carved stone heads.
Who are the Olmec
These are two of the Native American "mound building" cultures of the Eastern United States discussed in class
What are: -Hopewell -Adena -Mississippian -Poverty Point Culture -Fort Ancient
The peach pits Dr. Bonzani analyzed from an archaeological site on Sapelo Island helped to indicate contact between these two groups
Who are the Spanish and Creek Nation
This is one of the pieces of evidence which revealed Piltdown Man to be an incontrovertible hoax
What is: -chemical analysis showing highly different fluorine levels in the skull and jaw fragments -electron microscopy revealing metal filing of the teeth
These are defined as, "organic or environmental components of a site."
What are ecofacts
An important trade good in Olmec exchange networks, the term "Olmec" itself comes from the Nahuatl word for this material
What is rubber
Before archaeologists came to a consensus that the earthen mounds of the Eastern Woodlands were built by the ancestors of modern Native Americans, alternative hypotheses as to the identity of the "Mound Builders" included this group
Who are -Giants -Phoenicians -Vikings -Aztecs -A Lost Tribe of Israel
This is one of the major implications of the discovery of Kennewick Man
What is: -increased visibility over disagreements of over who owns the past -genetic and skeletal information about very early inhabitants of North America
One of the major hoaxes discussed in your readings, the Cardiff Giant was revealed to be a forgery by this piece of evidence:
What is -reports of the owner purchasing a large block of stone consistent with the giant a few years earlier -geologic evidence that gypsum would not remain for long periods of time in the conditions it was purportedly located in -analysis of the soil showing the area around the giant had been recently disturbed
This term refers to an artifact's specific horizontal and vertical location when it is found
What is provenience
Though now widely discredited, some have claimed that the Olmec were foreign colonists from here
Where is Africa
Like Plato's account of Atlantis, this Mediterranean culture was centered on an island, reached the peak of its power before Plato's time, and had settlements destroyed by natural disasters
What is the Minoan culture
These sorts of artifacts are evidence of early Spanish interaction with Native Americans, such as those related to the expeditions of Hernando de Soto
What are -glass beads -iron artifacts such as scissors or swords -brass bells -metal coins
The Newport Tower, in Rhode Island, was most likely built for this purpose
What is a windmill
This is stated by the concept of uniformitarianism
What is the notion that geologic processes that operate now also operated in the past
Donnelly argues that these carved stone slabs are the Maya equivalent of Egyptian obelisks, each the result of contact with Atlantis
What are stelae?
This was a reason why the "Myth of the Moundbuilders" was attractive to many Euro-Americans of the 18th and 19th centuries.
What are: -giving Native Americans a less solid claim to the lands and promote Manifest Destiny and nationalism -ignorance and racism about the capabilities of Native Americans -biblical ideas of catastrophism and societies suddenly lost/destroyed with little trace
Other than the presence of nautical charts showing islands on the Western side of the Atlantic Ocean, Gavin Menzies argued this was a piece of evidence from the Western Hemisphere demonstrating 15th Century Chinese presence in the Americas.
What are genetic similarities between Native Americans and Asians, Bimini Road as a constructed "slipway," Newport Tower as a Chinese observatory, early European accounts of finding people with "Chinese" qualities in the Americas etc.
These are three reasons why people often commit archaeological frauds or forgeries
What are profit nationalism personal fame/prestige supporting a particular ideological claim