Archetype Basics
The Good Guys
The Bad Guys
The Ladies
It's Complicated
a universally understood symbol, pattern of behaviour or prototype that is often used in storytelling across various cultures
What is an archetype
Luke Skywalker who leaves home to undergo a quest (Star Wars)
Who is the classic hero
Jason in Friday the 13th exemplifies which archetype?
What is the monster
Rapunzel is trapped in a tower awaiting the arrival of a man, which archetype does she exemplify?
What is damsel in distress
Tyler Durden from Fight Club has characteristics of which two archetypes?
What are the villain and the doppleganger aka ( split personality)
Personality type observed multiple times, often an oversimplification. ** Hint another word for an archetype
What is a stereotype
the wise, elderly and virtuous Yoda (Star Wars) represents which archetype
What is the sage or the mentor
The Joker in Batman exemplifies which archetype
What is the villain
Often this female archetype rejects the male suitor
What is the female hero ( will accept rebel )
Bella from Twilight has characteristics of three different archetypes. What are they?
What are the Social Outcast, the Dansel in Distress, and the Rebel
The use of archetypes in discussion of personality and psychoanalysis was advanced by what pioneer of psychology?
Who is Carl Jung
Edward Cullen from Twilight is charming, heroic and good looking but is a blood drinking Vampire. Which archetype does Edward exemplify?
Byronic or Gothic Hero
This archetype represents the supernatural or unknown
What is the monster
The evil stepmother in Cinderella displays rare glimmers of kindness. Her character exemplifies which female archetype?
What is the good/bad mother
This archetype has both a positive and negative representation
What is the mother archetype
King Lear, Hamlet and other Shakespearian characters have this characteristic that inevitably leads to their demise?
What is hamartia or the fatal flaw
The Monster in Frankenstein is by nature malevolent but is banished and feared. What archetype besides "the monster", better fits this character?
What is the Social Outcast
Robin Hood is lawless but in a moral way. He steals from the rich and gives to the poor. Which archetype is he?
What is a rebel