This large white bear is the biggest land carnivore in the Arctic.
Who is the Polar Bear
This is frozen rain that falls from the sky in cold weather.
What is snow?
This white, fluffy stuff falls from the sky when it’s cold outside.
What is snow?
You wear these on your hands to keep them warm in the snow.
What are mittens (or gloves)?
This big white bear hunts seals on the ice for food.
Who is the polar bear?
This small, fluffy animal changes its fur color from brown in summer to white in winter to blend in with the snow.
What is the Arctic fox?
These are giant sheets of ice that slowly move over land.
What are glaciers?
This is the cold, icy wind that blows in the winter.
What is a blizzard?
This fluffy piece of clothing wraps around your neck to keep out the cold wind.
What is a scarf?
This clever Arctic animal follows polar bears to eat leftover scraps.
What is the Arctic fox?
This animal has thick blubber and long tusks and likes to rest on icebergs.
What is the walrus?
These floating chunks of ice break off from glaciers and drift in the ocean.
What are icebergs?
You can build one of these round snow houses to stay warm in the Arctic
What is an igloo?
These special shoes help you walk on top of deep snow without sinking.
What are snowshoes?
These animals eat moss and lichen during the cold tundra winters.
What are caribou (or reindeer)?
This bird can’t fly but is an excellent swimmer and lives in icy places. What is the penguin?
What is the penguin? (although they live in Antarctica!)
This is a crack or deep hole in a glacier that can be very dangerous.
What is a crevasse?
This thin layer of ice forms on windows and the ground when it’s very cold.
What is frost?
This type of warm hat is often lined with fur and has ear flaps to keep your head warm.
What is a trapper hat?
This sea creature uses its long tusks to dig for clams on the ocean floor.
What is a walrus?
This sea creature is known for its spiral tusk, making it look like a unicorn of the sea.
What is the narwhal?
This layer of soil stays frozen all year long in the tundra.
What is permafrost?
This word describes the shimmering lights you can see in the Arctic night sky.
What is the Aurora Borealis?
In the Arctic, people traditionally wear these heavy coats made from animal fur.
What are parkas?
This bird dives into icy water to catch fish to eat.
What is a puffin