Take turns keeping the egg and chick warm
What is the male (Dad) and female (Mom)?
Polar Bears' favorite food
What are seals?
Lives in a den
What is a polar bear?
These are two types of sharp things that polar bears use to pull their prey out of the water.
What are teeth and claws?
Penguins eat this type of tiny fish
What is Krill?
They usually have two of these in December or January
What are cubs?
Can stand over an egg to keep it warm for two months while the mom is hunting for food.
What is a male (Dad) penguin?
They are black and white and sometimes have red, orange, or yellow colors as well.
What are penguins?
They have soft feathers until about 12 months old
What are penguin babies?
This is what a polar bear lives in
What is a den?
They dig their homes in the snow.
What is a polar bear?
Both the polar bear and the penguins have these kind of toes.
What are webbed?
These can be made out of small rocks.
What are penguin nests?
The temperature difference of a den of the polar bear compared to the outside temperature.
What is 40 degrees?
Sometimes penguins make a nest using these uncomfortable things.
What are rocks?
They have black skin.
What are polar bears?
These two matching body parts help them "fly" underwater.
What are flippers?
The actual color of the polar bear's fur (hint: not white).
What is clear?
This animal, depending on the type, can live in a warm climate.
What are penguins.
Polar bears use this on the bottom of their feet to keep from slipping on the ice.
What are grips or bumps?