Purpose of/Type of the ARD
ARD Terminology
Role of the Teachers
Role of Administrators
Appropriate ARD Etiquiette

A student received special education in their previous district and has just moved in.

What is a Transfer ARD?


I got an invitation to an ARD/IEP meeting on my calendar. I am not sure what an ARD or IEP  is.

What is a meeting held to discuss Admission, Review or Dismissal of Special Services, or to discuss the Individual Education Plan?


The general education teacher says that Johnny is using his strategies in Math class and is working through more difficult problems without getting frustrated. Johnny needs a little extra time.  The Special Education teacher says that Johnny learns new skills best in a group of 2-3 students. He is retaining information better when taught initially in a smaller group. Both teachers share that in a large group, Johnny has some anxiety and will throw the work on his desk on to the floor when he becomes frustrated. Sometimes he will pace the floor to calm down and will then rejoin the group. 

What is the responsibility for both general education and special services teachers to share progress, both academically and behaviorally,  in the classroom? 


I have several duties during the ARD/IEP meeting. My role is important. My duties may include reading the confidentiality statement and assurances, designating funds where appropriate, and helping to re-focus the meeting.

What is the role of leader of the ARD agenda?


I got this calendar invite for 10:05 a.m.  Meetings never start on time around this place.  I think I will just go in at 10:15 a.m.

What is to be on time?


My student has just met the qualifying condition for Special Education through IDEA and requires Specially Designed Instruction.

What is an Initial ARD?


I see on the calendar invite that the SLP and LSSP have been invited.  I am not sure what or who the SLP and LSSP are.

What is a Speech and Language Pathologist and a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology?


On the Reading Comprehension goal, Johnny has mastered his goal of 80% accuracy.  On his Math goal, Johnny is making progress and has gone from 20% accuracy to 50% but has not yet mastered his goal. 

What is the responsibility of the special education teacher to share data on IEP progress?


This ARD has gone on longer on this topic that has been necessary.  The committee is stuck and does not seems to be making progress. 

What is a leader to move the ARD forward and keep the committee to the agenda?


I have a hot date tonight with my significant other.  I can't wait for the text to tell me where we are going! I will just turn my notifications down a little bit so it won't be so loud.

What is to keep your phone silent?


My student has been receiving special education and must meet annually.

What is a Review ARD?


The case manager has asked if I have looked at the FBA and am following the BIP. I understand the FBA and BIP.

What is a Functional Behavior Assessment and a Behavior Intervention Plan? 


The general education teacher recommends that the student be able to use a word bank for writing assignments.  The special education teacher recommends that the student have a fewer number of questions to answer on the assignment. Both teachers agree that this student does best when allowed to work standing up. 

What is the role of recommending individualized accommodations? 


The ARD committee has recommended that the student requires something individualized that is going to cost the district money.

What is the administrators' role to commit district funds when necessary?


I will only use my laptop to present data, take deliberations, follow along in Esped. If I need to Pinterest, write lesson plans, create newsletters and email, I will wait until later in the day. 

What is be present and actively participate?


My student has been receiving specially designed instruction through Special Education, but data shows that my student is being successful without specially designed instruction.

What is a dismissal ARD?


The BCBA is coming to observe in my room today.

What is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst?


Mrs. Jones teaches the full scope and sequence of the TEKS to all students in her classroom regardless of any extra services any particular student may be receiving.

What is the general education teacher?


The ARD committee is discussing accommodations. Mr. Jones, the special education teacher, receives an emergency text and must step out of the ARD meeting. 

What is the A.P. needs to pause the meeting until the special education teacher returns because that teacher is a required member. 


My student is such a good citizen!  Student helps others in the classroom, holds doors open, works so hard to finish the requested tasks.  Student did great on homework about probability. Sometimes student needs more time to complete assignments and reminders to turn work in.  Behavior sometimes gets in the way.  Student is not reading on level and struggles with comprehension.

What is to share both strengths and weaknesses in classroom performance?


My student has had significant behavior that violates the student code of conduct. This might be due to the student's disability. 

What is an MDR (Manifestation Determination Review)?


The ARD committee is said to be in general consensus?

What is general agreement?


The special education teachers will prepare a document to send home a minimum of 5 days prior to ARD and will call the parent to discuss the document before sending it home. This is a draft format used to plan for monitoring student progress. 

What is a draft copy of the proposed goals and objectives?


The ARD committee has made many decisions.  The ARD has been archived and the student is receiving specially designed instruction through special education.  I trust my staff.  They are trained to provide special education.  I am sure they are doing what was asked and agreed upon to be implemented. 

What is the responsibility to ensure that decisions made in ARD are being implemented?


Mom and dad go on and on about how great little Johnny is and how well behaved.  Sigh.... We all know little Johnny is a brat.  He says mean things and interrupts all of the time.  He breaks the classroom pencils.  I am just going to roll my eyes and slump in my chair and see if mom and dad get the real picture and stop talking so we can hurry up and get out of here.! 

What is to have positive body language?