Level 1
101 Days of Summer
General Safety
Contractor Safety
Bonus Safety

Required form that is filled out prior to using non rated tool in production area. 

What is Ignition Source Checklist.


This should be put on skin prior to sun exposure.

What is Sunscreen?


Hard hat, Safety Boots, Gloves, Earplugs, and Glasses. 

What is PPE?


True or False.. 

Contractors do not have to sign in, as long as their Ardent Mills contact knows they are on site.

What is False..

All visitors and contractors must sign in when onsite and sign out when leaving property. 


Used to extinguish fire in server room.

What is Class C or ABC Fire Extinguisher?


Elevated Work, Mobile Equipment, Lock Tag Try, Hot Work, and Confined Space are all what...?

What are Life Saving Rules?


True or False...

Iced Tea is a great choice of beverage to stay cool in hot weather. 


Iced Tea is caffeinated and dehydrates the body. 


Form used to identify risks, hazards, and controls taken to complete the task safely and required prior to work beginning. 

What is a PJHA?

Color of hard hat for trained Contractors.
What is yellow Hard Hats?

This should never be exceeded on any type of elevator or forklift.

What is weight capacity?


Notify the affected team members/employees.

What is the first step in LOTO. 


Glasses of water needed to stay healthy & hydrated

What are 8 glasses of water a day?


True or False...

Working on a surface 4ft or higher requires secondary fall protection even when guarded.

What is False... 

Only working in unprotected or unguarded areas require the use of secondary fall protection



True or False...

Contractors can follow their own policy/procedures when working at an Ardent Mills plant?

What is False?

All contractors must follow Ardent Mills procedures.


An incident that was a close call, but did not cause injury to a team member.

What is a Near Miss?


True or False... 

It is okay to continue working if the air monitor alarm sounds while in a wheat bin. 

What is False...

Terminate the entry by communicating with entrants and order them to the exit the space. Contact Supervisor. 


designed to detect any potential malfunctions or failure points prior to using mobile equipment.

What is pre use inspection?


Machine used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest 

What is an AED?


True or False...

Contractors can operate mobile equipment at the plant. 

What is TRUE...

As long as the contractor is trained and can show proof of certification. 


This must be done to a van trailers wheels prior to loading/unloading.

What is chocked or chocking the wheels?


Class 2 Div 1 classified area. 

What is the Elevator?


Inability to sweat, panting, and rapid heartbeat are signs of what?

What is Heat Stroke?


Federal agency that protects the health and safety of workers. 

What is OSHA?

Contractors must provide _______ for all chemicals brought on site. 

What is an SDS?


EAP stands for...

What is an Emergency Action Plan?