Code Analysis
Building Systems

In the northern hemisphere, solar gain is the lowest during which month?

The least solar gain occurs when the sun is the lowest in the sky, which occurs on December 21-22, during the winter solstice.


An architect has been commissioned to design a boutique hotel and is completing the code analysis.
Which of the following is the correct order of operations that the architect should use to determine the building code requirements for the type of construction?

1. Find the Occupancy Type
2. Determine the height and area restrictions
3. Determine the type of construction


What specialty guidelines address sustainability, green building and high performance design?

International Green Construction Code, Net Zero Energy Building, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design


An architect is estimating the number of spaces that can fit in a parking area. The parking area is 0.6 acres.
Using 400 square feet per car, how many spaces can fit on the lot?

The answer is 65 spaces. First, convert 0.6 acres to square feet. There are 43,560 square feet in an acre. (Memorize this conversion for the exam as it will not be given to you.)0.6 acres x 43,560 square feet per acre = 26,136 square feetNow, find the number of spaces by dividing the total area by 400 square feet.26,136 square feet / 400 square feet = 65 spaces


Vent Stack

a vertical pipe that connects all the plumbing fixture vents and exhausts through the roof


Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) refers to the quality of a building's indoor environment in relationship to the health and well-being of those who occupy it.

Which of the following are factors that improve IEQ? Check the three that apply.

Access to daylight and exterior views, Thermal comfort and indoor temperature control, Limitation of tobacco product use


A client is interested in purchasing a site for a commercial development. Before making an offer, the client asks the architect to do a feasibility study to determine the maximum allowable building size that may be permitted.
What should the architect do first?

Check zoning regulations for setbacks, floor area ratios, and lot coverage restrictions.

The maximum size allowed for a building is determined by the site limitations which are found in the zoning code.


Class A Fire Rating

for severe fire exposure; acceptable materials include clay tiles, metal roofs, and asphalt shingles.


A portion of the foundation, of a two story townhome, has settled lower than the rest causing the foundation to crack. What is the term for this uneven settlement?

Differential Settlement


Soil Stack

A soil stack is a vertical pipe that connects all the soil and waste lines and empties to the sewer or septic tank


Large quantities of calcium and magnesium deposits have recently been found in the domestic water supply of an educational facility. When these chemicals are found in the water in large quantities, the water is considered hard, causing scale and build up in the plumbing system.
Which of the following processes can be implemented to correct this?

Aeration is used to improve the taste and color of water and also help remove iron and manganese.

An ion-exchanger pulls the calcium and magnesium out of the water.

Reverse osmosis is effective at removing calcium and magnesium ions that make water hard.


A medical spa is planning a new building on an old infill site in an urban area. The proposed spa has an occupancy load of 60. The existing sidewalks will not be altered.
How many on-street accessible parking spaces are required?

On-street parking is not required to be accessible. On-street parking is by the city, not by landowners.Also, an accessible route is not required if the existing circulation path is not altered.


During the design process for a two-story office building, the architect determines that the second floor will have an occupancy load of 300 people. The building will have two egress stairs.
If the egress capacity factor is 0.3, how wide must each stairway be? Provide answer in inches.

The correct answer is 45 inches. Per IBC 2015 section 1005.3, the egress capacity factor for a stairway is 0.3 inch per occupant. Multiply this by the occupant load to find the required total width. 300 x 0.3 = 90 inches. This number will then be divided by two because there are two stairways that serve the space. 90/2 = 45 inches.


Soil shear

would be when the soils slide past each other horizontally and would not lead to differential settlement.


An architect is detailing a wall assembly for a multi-family residential building.
Which wall types will provide the greatest thermal and acoustic insulation?

A staggered stud wall with insulation would provide the greatest thermal and acoustic insulation, because staggering the studs prevents thermal bridges and reduces the transmission of acoustic vibrations.


A wood-framed house is 30 feet by 72 feet. The longer facade is located along the east-west axis. A porch on the south side shades the summer midday sun. The kitchen is located on the north side of the house, where it generates its own heat.
This house is best suited for which climatic condition?



A client hires an architect for design services for their new cafe. The small tenant space will serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and will have seating for 24 people.
Based on the use and occupancy classifications in the International Building Code, how is this space classified?

Places for eating and drinking are in the A-2 group unless they have fewer than 50 occupants. Establishments for eating and drinking that have 49 occupants or less are classified as a B (business) occupancy.


Per accessibility code, the minimum clear width required for a doorway is how many inches?

The minimum clear width required for a doorway is referenced in ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) Section 404.2.3 as 32 inches


Most efficient parking layout: 

45, 60, 90 degrees

90-degree parking is the most efficient use of space. Angled parking produces spaces on the ends of aisles that are unusable.


Electrical Panel

An electrical panel accepts the main power to a building and distributes electrical current to the various circuits within the building. This is measured in volts.


Strategies for Hot-Arid Climate

there would ideally be an atrium or courtyard with a fountain so that cooler humidified air could be drawn into the house. It would also be ideal for the home to be built out of high thermal mass materials, such as adobe, that store heat from the day and release it at night.


An architect has been commissioned to design a large dormitory in Boulder, Colorado. The applicable zoning code limits the building to 35 ft, while the applicable building code allows a height up to 55 ft based on the construction type.

How tall can the building be?



To maximize usable space in the design of a 10 person office, the architect wants to limit egress spaces as much as possible.
What is the minimum allowable width in inches for an egress corridor?

"The required capacity of exit passageways shall be determined as specified in Section 1005.1 but the minimum width shall not be less than 44 inches (1118 mm), except that exit passageways serving an occupant load of less than 50 shall be not less than 36 inches (914 mm) in width."


Client would like to create a saw-tooth roof profile above the atrium, in order to provide more daylight into the center of the library. What is the best direction for the window in the sawtooth to face?

North would provide diffuse daylight to the space all year round without adding too much heat in the summer.


You are selecting the elevators for the library. It is important that the elevators are quiet when running so as not to disturb the library patrons. What elevator would be the best choice?

The gearless traction elevator is more efficient, operates more quietly, requires less maintenance, and has a longer life than the geared traction elevator.
It is also much quieter than the hydraulic types.