Practice and Project Management
Construction and Evaluation
Programming and Analysis
Project Planning and Design
Project Documentation and Development

This is a type of labor that is directly involved in the production of services and is billed to a project. 

What is Direct Labor?


This contract is a standard form of agreement between Owner and Architect for building design and construction contract administration services. 

What is B101- Owner Architect Agreement?


Overhangs are typically oriented in this cardinal direction to block direct solar heat gain. 

What is South? Louvers typically face east and west directions to protect from glare. 


This occupancy type includes educational spaces used by 6 or more people for classes up to 12th grade. 

What is Education?


This wall assembly component protects joints and any instance where two surfaces meet at an angle. Is required at changes in roof pitch, penetrations, windows, doors, eaves, floor-wall interactions, building-ground interactions, and expansion joints. Materials include galvanized steel, stainless steel, aluminum, copper, and plastic. 

What is flashing?


This measure of efficiency of labor use is expressed as a ratio of Direct Labor (hours) /Total Labor (hours)

What is Utilization Rate?

Target for entire firm: 60%-65%

Target for architects and principals: above 70%


This project close out phase is the moment in time when the owner can occupy or utilize the building for its intended purpose. 

What is Substantial Completion?


This is a resource we as San Antonio and Austin use to understand any accessibility requirements

What is (TAS) Texas Accessibility Standards?


This particular area in the following detail allows for water to drain away from brick veneer and into flashing and weeps. It can also prevent efflorescence or otherwise white or gray deposits of salts that form on the surface of porous materials.

What is an air gap or drainage cavity?


This often has a 3 hr. fire rating and creates a complete separation between buildings and construction types. 

What is a Fire Wall?


Professional Liability Insurance, General Liability Insurance, Automobile Insurance, and Workers Compensation are all contractually required to be held by this person/entity.

Who is the Architect?


This entity is in charge of making the punch list for final completion. 

Who is the Contractor?


This is a type of soil best used for sub grade material that have a larger particle size which makes for a stronger soil. 

What is Gravel?

-GW (Well Graded Gravel), GP (Poorly Graded Gravel), GMd (Silty Gravel)


This elevator type is typically slower and has a limited height to 2-6 stories. 

What is a Hydraulic Elevator?


This is a type of spec  that exclusively calls for a specific manufacturer's product. 

What is a Proprietary Spec (Closed Spec)?


Unlike the design bid build (competitively sealed proposal) project delivery method, this delivery method has the ability to fast track certain scopes of construction. 

What is Construction Manager at Risk? CMaR, sometimes also called Construction Manager as Constructor


This allocates project costs by trade and type of work and is used by the Architect to review the Contractor's Application for Payment. 

What is Schedule of Values?


This resource is used to find information and requirements for Use and Occupancy, Building Heights and Area Limitations, as well as Types of Construction.

What is the IBC, International Building Code?


This is an open triangulated structure, often made of steel used to resist lateral loads.

What is a Braced Frame?


This is placed on the warmer side of insulation to prevent condensation inside of walls. 

What is a Vapor Barrier?


This is the window within which damages can be reported that begin after damages are discovered. 

What is the Statute of Limitations?


This allows the architect to be able to issue minor changes in work without having to use a change order.

What are Architect's Supplemental Instructions? (ASI)


This is a project budgeting strategy that is incorporated as a percentage of the total budget to set aside for unanticipated expenses. 

What is a Contingency?


This is a material that seals all joints and cracks around doors and windows to reduce air infiltration. 

What is Weatherstripping?


This occurs when two dissimilar metals are in contact with each other and electrons sand ions are able to move from one metal to the other, often due to the presence of moisture.

What is Galvanic Action?