How many tattoos does Julia have?
What's Leta's mom's name?
Alina !!!
What's Mayranush's father's name?
Ashot !!!
Which grade did Sona move to the U.S?
What area was Luso from in Armenia?
Bangladesh !!!
What year did Julia move to the U.S? Extra 50 points if you can say the month too.
July of 2015 !!!
What year did Leta move to the U.S?
2017 !!
What instrument did Mayr used to play?
Piano !!!
Which phone does Sona have? Extra 50 points if you tell us what color case she has.
12 Pro Max !!! Clear phone case.
How many days was Luso's period late?
81 !!!
I have 5 grandparents. Name at least 2.
Ashot, Hamlet, Julietta, Svetlana, Violeta.
Where was Leta born? 100 points if you give city.
Russia, navarasisk
What year did Mayr move to the U.S? 50 extra points if you can guess the month.
June 2017!!!
What is Sona's favooorriitteee shirt? Think!!!!
Wilson P.E. shirt BAHHAHAHHA
Why did Luso's family go to Ohio first before Cali?
Her grandma lives there !!!
What word (it's more like 2 words together) does Julia want to tattoo on her wrist?
everythingoes !!!!!!!!!!
What month did Leta and Edward get together?
June !!!
Name all the classes Mayr had in the fall semester?
all right= 400 points
3 right= 250 points
2 right=150 points
1 right= 50 points
Psychology, Chemistry, Econ, Student Development
Which part of Armenia did Sona used to live in?
Barekamutyun !!!
How old was Luso when she got braces?
11 !!!
Out of these guys, which of them liked me when I was younger? Pick 3 (if you get all 3 right=500 points, 2 right=300 points, 1 right=100 points)
Alen, Max, Gagik, Mark, Narek, Sargis, Arman, Exam
Alen, Gagik, and Mark !!!!!!
What is Leta's father's name?
Armen Or Nikol !!!
Where did Mayr live in Armenia?
Ayntap or masis !!
Name all the classes Sona took in the fall semester. Don't count the class she dropped.
Name all=500 points.
Name 3=250 points
Name 2=150 points
Name 1=50 points
English 101, Psychology, Ethnic Studies, Oceanography.
When did Lusine move to the U.S.?
year, month, and day =500 points
year and month = 250 points
only year= 100 points
September 14, 2017 !!!