College Lingo
Preparing for College
Financial Aid
What do colleges call the area(s) you choose to focus in college as a potential careers.
What do Colleges Look for on your transcript and college application ?
GPA, Rank, Course Selection, SAT/ACT, AP Scores
Some schools will require you to fill out a financial aid form. True or False
False- all colleges/universities require you fill out the financial aid form, it is the primary way you get money to pay for school
True or False- All scholarships are need based?
Another term for residence halls is called what?
dorm or dormitory
Name 3 types of Higher Ed Institutions one can attend?
4 year University/College 2 year Community College Vocational/Technical/Trade School
Other than selectivity and cost name 4 other components you should consider when applying to college?
Available Majors, Location, Athletic Programs, Sorority and Fraternity Life, Clubs and Associations Diversity, size of college, housing/dinning, safety
There are 4 types of forms that financial aid comes in?
Scholarships, grants, loans and workstudy
Name a scholarship website resource?,, your school's website, the high school's website
Place where students eat, gather sit do homework, participate in clubs and organizations is referred to as?
Student union, student center
When you get to college everyone is assigned a ...who is to help guide you in choosing the best courses in order to make sure you complete the requirements of your major and make sure your on track to graduate. ?
Academic advisor, major advisor
The process of filling out applications and doing interviews is called what?
Admissions Process
What's the form you have to fill out to apply for college financial aid from the federal government? A.FASFA ( Free Application for Student Federal Aid) B.FAFSA ( Free Application for Federal Student Aid) C. Government College Aid Form D. FASA – Financial Application for Student Aid
B. Free Application for Federal Student Aid
What are two highly competitive national scholarships that you can apply for?
QuestBridge and Gates Millennium
What is the difference between a university and a college?
Often Universities are larger institutions that focus on research and offer a wider variety of majors/minors and programs. Many will also offer a greater number of graduate level or doctoral programs. Colleges tend to be smaller institutions that offer a little less variety in majors/minors and may sometimes do not have a large number of graduate or doctoral programs. Many colleges are liberal arts focused rather than research focused.
In preparing for college the college process you should have what documents to complete the process?
Student resume,Unofficial Transcript, 3 Letters of Recommendation, ACT/SAT Scores, Draft of a Personal Statement/Essay
Which type of Financial Aid do you need to pay back?
Colleges/Universities will offer financial need based on what two components. What is the difference between the two?
Merit-based awards Need Based
How many 4 year state universities are in Florida? Bonus: Name at least of them for additional 100 points
35 UT Austin, Texas A&M, Prairie View A&M, UNT, UT Dallas, UT Arlington, University of Houston,
Name all the types of degrees one can earn?
Technical Degree-2 months-11 months (can vary) Associates- 2 yrs Bachelors-4 years Masters -2 year after undergrad 6 years Doctorate degree- 5 -7 year program Professional Degree
What type and how many classes do colleges want you to have? Think subjects, years, kinds of classes?
4 years of English, 3 years of Math ( Alg 1 Alg 2 Geometry), 3 years of science ( Bio& Chem), 2 year of a Foreign Language Consecutive ( ie Spanish 1 &2) 5 or more college prep course (not including art or music but more cores) College Prep, Honors AP classes.
Which type of Federal Aid gives you the opportunity to earn money to help pay your educational expenses.
One way college can cost less money is by staying in state. In state tuition can often be less expensive than going out of state. What determines if you qualify for in state tuition?
Residency Affidavit
What two waivers exist that could help you pay for the college application?
NACAC and SAT Application Waiver