Memes and Internet Culture
Literary Personalities
Dumbledore Asked Calmly

It is an intentional misspelling of a certain word which is often associated with a surreal meme featuring the character Meme Man standing in front of an upward trending graph. The picture began seeing use as a reaction image online in jokes about making poor financial decisions.

What is "Stonks"?


THIS host of a talk show has a long-running "feud" with Matt Damon.

Who is Jimmy Kimmel? 


This "tough guy" author of The Old Man and the Sea

Ernest Hemingway


THIS was the street address of the home owned by Vernon and Petunia Dursley.

4 Privet Drive 


This painting, arguably one of the most recognizable in the world, was stolen in August 1911 and recovered in December 1913.

The Mona Lisa


Since its release on March 20, this show has become the No. 1 most-watched series in the US on the streaming platform. Kim Kardashian West and Sam Smith are known to be among its fans, while Jared Leto has tweeted some pictures dressed up as the main character himself. Inspired by a living example of fashion faux pas, the cowboy look may be the next big popular culture trend for the summer season.

What is "Tiger King"?


During the MUN episode of Parks and Rec, Leslie is assigned Denmark, Ben is assigned Peru, Andy is assigned Finland, and April is assigned South Africa on the condition that she also be assigned THIS.

The Moon.


THIS Japanese author is an experienced marathon runner and triathlon enthusiast, whose memoir is titled "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running"

Haruki Murakami


THIS person died in the Second Floor Girls' Lavatory.

Who is Moaning Myrtle?


This Spanish artist who mostly lived and worked in France is largely credited with the invention of Cubism. 

Pablo Picasso 


A video with this tweet led to one of the funniest memes of the year: 

"The truth is, we have an excellent chance to win the primary and beat Trump. But the only way we can do that is if we have the sufficient financial resources. So I am asking you today to contribute to our campaign before the FEC deadline: "

What is "I am once again asking for your financial support"?


Ted steals THIS for Robin from a restaurant called "Carmichaels" in the first episode of HIMYM.

The Blue French Horn


THIS English children's writer whose books have been among the world's best-sellers since the 1930s, selling more than 600 million copies, introduced us to The Famous Five and The Secret Seven. 

Enid Blyton


THIS potion that has the color of molten gold, makes its drinker "lucky" or brings more good fortune than usual

What is Felix Felicis?


Andy Warhol’s edgy, straight forward, colourful interpretations of common objects and Hollywood stars made him a major figure in THIS movement.

Pop Art 


In Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (released November 4th, 2014), the protagonist Private Jack Mitchell attends the funeral of his best friend who died fighting in South Korea. The player is then asked to “perform THIS Act” if they are playing the game on a PC, or to press the "X" button while playing on a console.


In Friends, THIS is the character's name as it appears on his TV guide when delivered.

What is Miss Chanandler Bong?


THIS American author, best known for her works of speculative fiction, including science fiction works set in her Hainish universe, and the Earthsea fantasy series, passed away in 2018.

Ursula K. Le Guin


THIS is the name of Hermione's cat.

What is Crookshanks


THIS painting was made by Henri Matisse in 1910  at the request of Russian businessman and art collector Sergei Shchukin.

The Dance


THIS name that Lake Moraine, Alberta (pictured below) is known by quite famously on the internet.

What is Reddit Lake? 


John Cleese, Michael Palin, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Graham Chapman were members of THIS iconic British comedy troupe. 

What is Monty Python?


This American novelist who is known for his dense and complex writings that encompass a vast array of subject matter, genres and themes, including history, music, science, and mathematics, won the 1973 U.S. National Book Award for Fiction for occult WWII novel Gravity's Rainbow.

Thomas Pynchon


"Draco Dormiens Nunquams Titilandus", the school motto of Hogwarts, means THIS.

Never Tickle A Sleeping Dragon


This early Dutch artist painted this triptych piece called "The Garden of Earthly Delights" 

Hieronymus Bosch