Name one of the ways the teacher may get your attention and demonstrate.
Raise their hand
Calling "Marco".... "Polo"
Ringing the doorbell
What is the job of the bathroom monitor?
Stand at the door
Monitor bathroom behavior
Report any problems in the bathroom
Tell students when there is an empty stall they may use
A student doesn't remember a new rule. What do you do?
Quietly tell them the rule and be a good example of the rule.
Where can the Homework Checker find my homework each morning?
On the edge of my desk after I have unpacked
What days do we have homework each week?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
List a classroom rule.
answers may vary
What behavior is expected in the hallway?
You see a student in our class has dropped their book bin, what do you do?
Help them place all of their supplies back in the book bin
Show how you correctly sit in the blue butterfly chair.
What day do we have spelling and vocabulary tests?
When is the appropriate time to sit in the flexible seating options around the room?
independent reading and group work only
If I misbehave during an enrichment class or PE, will I receive consequences from my teacher too?
Yes, you are embarrassing your teacher when you misbehave in another classroom
You see a student being bullied. What do you do?
Tell a teacher immediately.
There is a difference between bullying and tattling!
What should I do to get ready to leave for school each afternoon?
Charge chromebook
Flip my chair on my desk
Pick up any trash
I have talked out of turn several times during class that day and I didn't do my homework. What are my consequences?
silent snack
writing a behavior essay that must be signed by my parent and a note in my student planner
Show where assignments are turned in and explain what each tray is used for.
Tray on teacher desk
Top tray: assignments that are finished
Bottom tray: unfinished assignments
What are rules to follow at snack?
Walk quietly to snack or snack bar
Sit down and eat
Throw away trash and return to seat
No walking around, playing, or yelling
Your job is to pass out assignments and you see a student has a bad grade, what do you do?
Keep the grade to yourself and never discuss it with anyone.
Where can I find your library book?
In the middle drawer by my table
I misbehave and get a note in my planner from my teacher. I go home and do not show my mom/dad the note. What happens now?
A call home and a conference where my parent has to come to school to talk to my teacher about my behavior
silent lunch and a behavior essay that has to be signed
Show how to let the teacher know you have bathroom emergency.
Stand by door, cross fingers, and wait QUIETLY
What happens if I talk in the hall during dismissal?
Silent Snack
At a classroom party, you decide you do NOT want a cupcake. What do you do?
Tell the person "No thank you" politely.
Trick question!
How often do we change classroom jobs?
Every month, every 9 weeks, or every 2 weeks?
every 9 weeks
Trick Question!
What month does Mrs. Rogers return to school?
October!!!!!!! :)