Chemical tests
Stream flow
Biotic Index

This is what is put in each test tube.

What is creek water up to the first 5mL line in both, and a reagent tablet added to the creek water in the one?


This is what the flags will be used for.

What is marking the beginning and end of your 20 foot length of stream?


This is what the ice cube tray is used for.

What is sorting macroinvertebrates that are the same into the same compartment?


This is one reason why over-abundant algae is bad in our waters.

What is it looks terrible, it smells, it produces toxins that are harmful to humans and other animals, it decreases dissolved oxygen in the water leading to fish kills, can raise pH, is bad for the economy, etc.


This is what it's called when soil is washed away by water.

What is runoff?


This is where both test tubes should be placed in black box.

What is next to the tinted window (left side) for the control that only has creek water, and what is next to the untinted window for the tube with the reagent?


These are the two ways you will use your rope.

What is measuring the length of stream (always 20 ft) and what is measuring the width of the stream?


This is what you do on the front of your biotic index sheet.

What is circle the types of macroinvertebrates you have, and add up how many you circled in each group?


The Jarrett Creek Watershed is nestled into these two larger watersheds.

What is the Red Cedar River Watershed and the Mississippi River Watershed?


These are two things that increase Phosphorus levels when added to the water.

What is soil, manure, fertilizer, inadequately treated waste water, septic tanks that aren't upkept ?


This is how you get the actual reading of how much chlorine, ammonia, or phosphorus is in the water.

What is you hold the black box up to the light and you match the two colors by turning the dial. What is the number that is shown when the two colors match?


This is how stream velocity is tested.

What is being tested when you float your bobber the 20 foot length of stream timing how long it takes? This will be done twice.


This is the best and second best spot for collecting your sample.

What is a riffle and what is an undercut bank?


This is what a watershed is.

What is an area that all drains to a particular, stream, river, lake, or ocean?


Road salt getting washed into the water will primarily cause this one of our chemical tests to increase.

What is Chlorine? Road salt is Calcium Chloride.


This is the test that measures water clarity.

What is turbidity?


This is when you should do the calculations associated with stream flow.

What is when you get back to school or you are done with all of the other tests you need to complete at the creek?


These are the third and fourth best spots for sample collection.

What is under a log jam and what is a leaf pile?


This is how we will measure pH at Jarrett Creek.

What is cabbage solution pH indicator?


These are two of many things you can do to decrease the amount of pollutants that make it to our water supply.

What is study and monitor streams and lakes, encourage your adults to maintain septic systems, check to see if you are using phosphorus free products (dishwater and laundry detergents), don't dump pollutants down storm drains, pick up after your pets, talk to your family and friends about what you learn, plant buffers of natural vegetation next to rivers and lakes


These are the two things that are different about the ammonia test compared to the chlorine or phosphorus tests.

What is there are two reagent tablets added? And what is you have to wait 3 minutes after the first tablet and 15 minutes after the second tablet?


When determining the correction value this is the stream characteristic you will look at.

What is looking to see whether the stream bottom is rough, loose, coarse, and weedy or smooth?


This is what a biotic index tells us about the creek and why.

What is some macroinvertebrates are indicator species in that their presence, absence, or abundance tell you a lot about the health of a creek. If a macroinvertebrate that is extra sensitive to pollution is present that tells you positive things about the water quality.


This is what a pollutant is called when it is picked up and carried from it's original source into a body of water where is causes harm. You don't usually know exactly where it originated from.

What is non-point source OR run-off pollution?


Ammonia contains this element. This is the other element besides Phosphorus that algae requires and will cause major algae bloom's if there's too much of it.

What is nitrogen?