Testing Expectations

True or False? You can read the question as many times as you need to in order to understand what it is asking.

True! You can also read the passage as many times as you need to in order to help you answer the question confidently.


What does a full sentence need?

2 answers

- Subject (who or what)

- Predicate (action, or so what)


True or False? You can only listen to a question 1 time.

FALSE! You can listen to the question as many times as you want to.


It is important to _________ our words when we are speaking.


Can Miss Lily help you during the ELPA test?

No, Miss Lily cannot help you in any way during the ELPA test.


What is the first thing you should do with a reading question?

Read the question

Even thought the ELPA does not give you sentence frames, you can use the question to help you ____1___ your answer to make it a ___2____.

2 answers

start, full sentence


* Listen. Which picture shows someone skiing?

Picture B shows someone skiing.


Would you rather never be able to sleep or never be able to stay awake?

Use the sentence frame:

I would rather _______ because ________.

Each team member.

I would rather _____ because ______.


Do I need to finish the ELPA in one class period?

No, you have 2 class periods in the week to work on the ELPA. If you do not finish you may also work on the test during the make up week.


What are some strategies to find the main idea?

3 answers

- Pay attention to the first and last sentence

- Look for repeating topics

- Look at the title or heading


* Pick the correct words to complete the sentences.

5 answers

1. asleep

2. help

3. enough

4. make

5. Similarly


* Listen. Which items do not belong on a grocery shopping list?

A pillow case and nail polish remover do not belong on a grocery shopping list.


Finish the sentence:

Something that is found in nature is __________.

Each team member.

Something that is found in nature is A TREE.

Something that is found in nature is A CLOUD.

Something that is found in nature is AN ANIMAL.


When can you go to the bathroom during the ELPA?

2 answers

Before entering the testing room and after the period is over.


* What is the main idea of this passage?

How do car brakes work?

Turn this sentence into a grammatically correct, full sentence. 

if dont know what want. how you achieve it

If you don't know what you want, how will you achieve it?


* Listen to the description. What activity is Miss Lily most likely talking about?

Miss Lily is talking about playing video games.


* Answer the question using full sentences. What are 3 differences between the pictures?

It is snowing in one picture and not in the other.

There are more snowballs in one picture than the other.

There is a moose in the snow in one picture and a bear in the snow in the other.

In one picture, the snowboarder is going left and they are going to the right in the other picture.

The snowman is facing different directions in each picture. 

In one picture, the sun is out and in the other it is hidden behind the clouds.


When can you speak during the ELPA?

2 answers

- When answering a speaking question

- If an adult checks in when you have a quietly raised hand


* Look at the graph, do you agree with the following claim, "The internet is the most popular news source for Americans today." Use evidence from the graph to explain your answer.

I do not agree with the claim because a higher percentage of people access news from the local TV or the National Network compared to the Internet. 

No, only 61% of people access the news from the Internet and more people access the new from the local TV or the National Network.


* Read the scenario. What are 3 questions that you could ask Ms. Dos Santos?

Questions relating to Donna's cooking experiences.


What is the FULL attention countdown for Timberwolves to be quiet and ready to listen?


In 5, bodies are still 4, eyes are up in 3, voices off in 2 and 1. 


* Answer the question using full sentences. What are 3 differences between the pictures?

The hands on the clock are pointing in different times.

There is a pin in the grandma's hair in one photo and not in the other.

In one picture the cat is holding a spoon and in the other they are holding a candy.

In one picture there is a bowl on the shelf and in the other there are dolls.

In one picture there is a cookie on the baking sheet and in the other there is a floppy disk.


What can get your test invalidated and "thrown out"?

4 answers

- Talking to others

- Walking around the testing area

- Having your phone, smart watch, earbuds, or other personal electronics in the testing area

- Using resources without permission