How many days are in a year?
What is a preposition?
a position word
(above, under, below, etc.)
Name one thing you learned in science class this year.
If I have two quarters and two dimes, how much money do I have?
70 cents
What was the first capital of Oklahoma?
How many vertices does a polygon have?
More than 3
What needs to be fixed in this sentence?
i ate pie on christmas day
I ate pie on Christmas day.
Explain the life cycle of a caterpillar.
Pupa, caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly
Who is queen of the gods?
Who is king of the gods?
What is a contraction?
can't, won't, isn't, etc.
Which planet used to be a planet but is now a "dwarf" planet?
Where is Mrs. Hayes from?
How many years do Spartan soldiers have to train?
23 years
When does the clock turn from AM to PM?
When 11:59 changes to 12:00
What is a homograph?
Words that are spelled the same, but have different meanings or pronunciations
What does STEAM stand for?
Science, Technology, Engineer, Art, Math
Where does Mrs. Hayes live?
What is my favorite food?
French fries
If I have 9 vertices in all, and one of my shapes is a quadrilateral, what is my other shape?
If I am going outside with boots, a scarf, and a heavy coat, what can you inference?
It is cold outside
How many bones are in the human body?
What is Mr. Kelley's first name?