What do you call an angle that is exactly 90 degrees?
A right angle.
What is a noun?
A person, place, or thing.
How may tertiary colors are there?
What is the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in order to make water?
David (the favorite child) had two chickens growing up.. What were the names of these chickens? (Katie/David)
Magruder & Potato
You have 4 groups of 6 cookies. How many cookies do you have?
What goes at the end of every sentence?
How many Dollars does it take to have 360 cents?
What are the five senses?
Sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.
How far did Erick run during his backyard ultra race in miles? (Erick)
WHAT is the answer to a division problem
A quotient
What is a proper noun?
A specific or particular person, place, or thing.
ex. Target, Chipotle, Doritos
How many days are in a leap year?
What does the first 'A' in "NASA" stand for?
There was one major rule, and threat about playing in the backyard when we were kids. What were they? (Jules)
"No jumping off the treehouse onto the trampoline. If you're caught jumping, you will take them both apart by yourself."
36 inches2
What is a verb?
An action verb
Which bird can fly backwards?
What is the largest planet in the solar system?
What was the address of the house Julie was brought home to after she was born? (Susan/Andrew)
10600 Inwood Ave,
Silver Spring, MD
Between 1 and 100, how many multiples of 7 are odd numbers?
Who was the 39th President?
Which ocean is the largest and deepest ocean in the world?
What was Stephanie's dream job growing up? (Two Answers possible) (Stephanie)
FBI agent, or OBGYN
What is the sum of all the angles in a triangle?
180 degrees
What is another word for the main character in a book?
The protagonist
How many minutes are in a day?
Density describes the mass of an object divided by what?
In what city did 'Button' have her first birthday? (Andrew)