5th Grade English
5th Grade History
5th Grade Math
5th Grade Science
All about Stuff today
"Wow! Mom rides a racecar at noon!" How are the words "wow," "mom," "racecar" and "noon" alike?
They are all palindromes, meaning they are spelled the same backward and forward.
Which important U.S. government executive conducts most of his business inside a room called the "Oval Office"?
The President of the United States works mostly inside the Oval Office, which is a room located inside the White House.
What is the product of 80 X 7?
80 X 7= 560
Which forms over an ocean: a hurricane, a tornado, or a sandstorm?
A hurricane forms over the ocean
the day of the week April 25, 2007
What is Wednesday?
Complete this analogy: HIGH is to LOW as TALL is to ____?
HIGH is to LOW as TALL is to SHORT
Which American city held a famous "tea party" in 1773? New York City, Boston, or Providence?
Boston held a famous "tea party" in 1773.
What is the sum of $23.47 and $69.03?
$23.47 + $69.03 = $92.50
Are the worker bees in a beehive all male or all female?
The worker bees in a beehive are ALL FEMALE.
This device was introduced by Steve Jobs in 2007 

 and changed the way we communicate 

what is the iPhone?
How many languages does a trilingual person speak?
A trilingual person speaks 3 languages. (The prefix "tri" means "three")
Women voted in a U.S. presidential election for the first time in 1900. TRUE or FALSE?
FALSE! Unfortunately, U.S. women weren't allowed to vote for the President until 1920.
A bus leaves at 12:45 p.m. It arrives at its destination 4.5 hours later. What time does the bus arrive at its destination?
4.5 hours after 12:45 p.m. is ... 5:15 p.m.
Our galaxy is one of the largest galaxies in the universe. What is our galaxy called? Hint: It shares a name with a candy bar
Our galaxy is also called the Milky Way Galaxy.
Sapphire, turquoise, and navy are all shades of this color
What are shades of the color BLUE? 
When you write an essay, should you use "formal" or "informal" language?
When writing an essay, you should use FORMAL language.
Which nation was the first to put a man on the moon? RUSSIA, THE UNITED STATES, or GERMANY?
THE UNITED STATES was the first nation to put a man on the moon.
How many zeroes are in 740 million?
There are seven zeroes in 740,000,000.
Which part of a poisonous snake releases its venom?
The FANGS of a poisonous snake release its venom.
The president of the United States in 2007
Who is George W Bush?
She wrote City of Ember.
Who is Jeanne DuPrau?
Was George Washington a Republican, Democrat, or neither?
George Washington was NEITHER a Republican or a Democrat. Those political parties did not exist when he was President.
What four coins are equal to the decimal .04?
Four pennies (.01 +.01 + .01 + .01) is equal to .04
Are tidal waves found near the shore or in the middle of the ocean?
Tidal waves are found NEAR THE SHORE.
The birthstone for April
What is a diamond?