Main Idea
Figurative Language

What the text is mostly about. Also known as Central Idea

What is Main Idea?


The message, moral or lesson of a story. (Think: what did the character learn)

What is Theme?


Definition of Main Idea

What the text is mostly about?


Use information from the text + prior knowledge 

(read between the lines)



Two things compared using "like" or "'as" 

What is a simile?


 Determine the reason behind an author's writing

To persuade, inform or entertain are all...

What is author's purpose?


Another phrase for theme (2 words)

What is central idea? central message?


A paragraph includes the main idea and ______ ________. 

________ _________ gives more information about the main idea.

What is supporting details ?


Kyla was anxious to take her science test. It wasn't her favorite subject. She studied really hard for a week. After Ms. Nicholas distributed the test, Kyla looked up smiling. She quickly scanned the room and gave her BFF a thumbs up. 

What can you infer about Kyla's test results?

What is she passed?


I am so hungry I can eat a horse.

She is as old as dirt.

I'm so tired I can sleep for a year

What is a hyperbole (exaggeration)?


 Arrange and write events or the steps of a process in order

What is sequence?


The theme of the Boy who cried wolf

What is honesty? 

What is always tell the truth?

What is if you lie people won't believe you?


Main Idea: Cheetahs run fast

Which detail supports the main idea?

a. Cheetahs have black spots to camouflage

b.  light body weight for maximum speed

c.  a line connects to the long, flat tail

What is letter ___?


Floods can cause tremendous damage because of the incredible force and unpredictability. Floods can ruin houses, roads, and buildings. It can take down trees and cause mudslide. Flood leave behind debris, sand and mud. It can take months to clean up after a flood.

What can you infer from the passage:

a. Floods cause a lot of damage

b. Cleaning up after a flood can be expensive

c. the water evaporates, the problem is solved

What is letter ___ ?


On the last ELA test I got a C. I need to take it up a notch if I want to pass the class. I have to pay attention and study harder. Hopefully I will get a B next time

"Take it up a notch" is an example of

What is an idiom?

bonus- what does it mean?


When one event causes another to happen. The _______ is WHY it happened. The ________ is WHAT happens.

What is cause and effect?


What is the theme of " The Tortoise and the Hare"

What is determination?

What is never give up?


Floods can cause tremendous damage because of the incredible force and unpredictability. Floods can ruin houses, roads, and buildings. It can take down trees and cause mudslide. Flood leave behind debris, sand and mud. It can take months to clean up after a flood.

What is the main idea?

What is Floods cause damage?


 Brad ran into his house, slamming the door behind him.  He threw his book bag on the floor and plopped onto the couch.  After six hours of playing Fortnite, he ate some pizza and fell asleep with his feet on his book bag. When Brad came home from school the next day, he was  distraught. He balled up his report card and placed it inside a soup can in the garbage. He then flipped the soup can upside down in the garbage can and arranged loose pieces of trash over it.  As he plopped down on the couch, he let out a sigh and picked up his controller.

Why is Brad distraught?

What is Brad failed his classes?

What is Brad got bad grades?


At 7:30am my alarm sprang to life. It yelled at me until I crawled out of bed. I am not a morning person. Without my alarm clock I wouldn't be able to get to school on time. 

What figurative language is represented in this passage?

What is personification?


To break apart an item, document, or an event in order to comment and explain the nature and relationship of its parts. 

To assess, examine or evaluate

What is analyze?


Jason's father worked hard to provide everything they had. His mom lost her job 3 months ago. Their tiny apartment seemed to become smaller and smaller by the minute. Jason envied his classmates because they wore newest Jordan out. They wore fancy clothes and his family couldn't afford it. He spoke to his mother about what was going on. One day his mother showed him a news article about Homeless families. He stopped caring about sneakers and fancy clothes. 

What is the possible theme?

What is be grateful?


Smoking cigarettes is a disgusting and smelly habit, it’s also extremely bad for your health. It has been proven to cause cancer, lung disease, and heart disease, and to weaken your immune system. Smoking makes it a lot harder to breathe, which means it’s more difficult to play sports and get the exercise you need to stay healthy

What is the main idea?

What is smoking is bad for your health?


Mike got out of the driver seat of the car. He looked at the mailbox and then at the bumper. The mailbox was smashed. The shiny chrome bumper had a dent about the size of a football around the passenger side. Mike shook his head and got back in the driver seat. He knew what he had to do. He didn't want to do it, but he had to. He drove back home and sat in the driveway, holding his head in his hands. Mike's dad came out of the house carrying a garbage bag. He smiled and waved at Mike as he passed the driver side of the car. Then he looked again. His mouth dropped open and he let go of the garbage bag.

What is tell his father he was in an accident?


A phrase where words contradict each other with opposite meaning. 

Ex- The old green couch was pretty ugly

What is an oxymoron?