What is the past simple of the verb "run"?
Which of the following prefixes means "again"?
A)un- B)co- C)re-
The names of how many colors in the rainbow are spelled with only three letters?
One (red)
Which of these words mean to find something: A)charity B)invite C)discover D)measure
The name of which color in the rainbow spectrum comes last alphabetically?
Which word is the adverb in the following sentence? Yesterday, Spencer drove his dad´s car.
Besides "i" what is the only other letter in the English alphabet that you have to "dot" in its lower case version?
What word in the following sentence comes first alphabetically? An antelope and an ant ate all the apples.
What word can mean both an instrument use to draw circles an also a device used for determining direction?
How many proper nouns are in: On Saturday, Olivia is going to a birthday party in Phoenix, Arizona.
4 (Saturday, Olivia, Phoenix, Arizona)
True or false? "Or" and "but" are examples of interjections.
What is the suffix of the word "unfortunately"?
When reciting the English alphabet in order, what is the fourth consonant you´ll say?
How many of the words for the numbers 1 through 10 have 5 letters?
3 (three, seven, eight)
How many singular nouns are in: The girls were mad at the boys because the boys threw snowballs at them.
What is the auxiliar used in present perfect tense?
A)do B)did C)have
What is the prefix in "impatiently"?
What is the abbreviation in: The class voted for Mr. Foxworthy as teacher of the year.
True or false? By definition, cartographers are people that study the heart.
How many compund nouns are in: Someone from the classroom was playing baseball in the cafeteria.
3 (someone, classroom, baseball)
What is the verb ending used for the present and past continuous?
A)-ed B)-ing C)did
What word is the subject of: The spaceship landed in Jacob´s backyard.
The names of how many days of the week do NOT start with either the letter T or S?
3 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Which of the following words means "in addition"? A)to B)two C)too
In the English alphabet, how many consonants are there between the letters E and O?
8 (f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n)