This was discovered in California in 1828
What is Gold
What phenomenon might be felt on the surface when two tectonic plates rub against each other?
An earthquake
This number is the denominator in the fraction 3/4
what is 4
Which country is the largest in size?
Which of the following is a compound word?
Furniture or Frostbite
what is Frostbite
The person in a novel who tells the story from a third-person perspective is called a what?
These are the 5 senses
what is smell, sight, hearing, touch, taste
What is H2O also known as?
A doctor uses this to listen to your heart
what is a stethoscope
Which is the fastest land animal?
The cheetah
This is the shape of a stop sign
What is an octagon
The Earth has four layers, the thickest of which is the mantle. What is the thinnest layer called?
the Earth's Crust
This number is 20% of 100
What is 20
A polygon which has eight sides is known as what?
An octagon.
This animal makes a loud slapping noise on the water, with its tail, when frightened
what is a beaver
What is "a word which has the same meaning as another word."
A synonym.
What type of fish is Nemo
What is a clown fish
Which book series was created by J.K. Rowling in which the literature features magical creatures, such as “nifflers” and “pygmy puffs?”
The Harry Potter book series
There are this many inches in a yard
what is 36
What is the largest continent?
Most Europeans immigrated to the US on this ocean
What is the Atlantic
Which two lines never touch each other?
Parallel lines
This was the last state to be admitted to the US
what is Hawaii
From which country did Mexico gain its independence in the 19th century?
A salamander is ____ blooded
what is cold
Which continent contains the most countries?
These tall structures were used as burial tombs in Ancient Egypt
what are the Pyramids
On a class field trip, there are 4 buses taking 36 students total to the zoo. Each bus carries the same number of students. How many students are on each bus?
This is the term for an action word
what is a verb
In what U.S. city is the White House located?
Washington D.C.
They live in a pineapple under the sea
Who is SpongeBob
What is the name for the colored part of an eye?
The iris.
The fastest flying bird in the world
What is the Peregrine Falcon
If a football field is 100 yards long, how many feet long is the football field?
300 feet (3 feet in 1 yard)
These are the 3 branches of the US government
what is Judicial, legislative, and executive
What ancient civilization built the Machu Picchu complex in Peru?
The Incas
This mountain range is found in Colorado and other western states
what are The Rocky Mountains
What are animals that consume only plants called?
This man painted the Mona Lisa
Who is Leonardo da Vinci
What is the name of the longest side of a triangle opposite the right angle?
The hypotenuse
This many people serve in the US House of Representatives
What is the strongest bone in the human body?
The femur
This man is known for his quote "Give me liberty or give me death"
who is Patrick Henry
What type of word is “truthfully?”
This travels at 186,000 miles per second
what is Light
What is the fastest spinning planet in the solar system?
This river flows along the border between the US and Mexico
what is the Rio Grande
What is the center of a cell called?
The nucleus
This beverage has no benefit to the body
What is soda or energy drink
What is the biggest internal organ in the human body?
The liver