Trivia Question: What is the scientific name of the process where plants prepare their food?
Trivia Question: What is the largest country in Africa?
Trivia Question: What organ does an octopus have three of?
Trivia Question: What organ is the largest in the human body?
Trivia Question: What TWO temperature scales are used in science?
Celsius and Kelvin
Trivia Question: Quebec is a province in Canada. What language do they speak there?
Trivia Question: In Greek mythology, who had snakes for hair and could turn people into stone if they looked at her?
Trivia Question: How many eyes does a bee have?
The wooly mammoth is most similar to what modern day animal?
Trivia Question: What does a Scoville unit measure?
Trivia Question: What was the first Disney animated film based on the life of a real person?
Trivia Question: What is the world’s biggest island?
Trivia Question: What colors are on the flag of Japan?
Red and white
What kind of dog is Scooby-Doo?
Great Dane
Trivia Question: Which fictional city is the home of Batman?
Canada eats more "what" than any other nation in the world?
Mac and Cheese.
Trivia Question: Which country produces the most coffee in the world?
Trivia Question: Who was the first American astronaut to step foot on the moon?
Neil Armstrong
Trivia Question:What is the biggest animal on land?
Trivia Question: What is the only fruit that has its seeds on the outside?
Trivia Question: What is the largest desert in the world?
Trivia Question: What does FBI stand for?
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Trivia Question: What insect has 12 eyes?
a caterpillar
Trivia Question: What are diamonds made from?
Trivia Question: What instrument did Mozart play?
The piano
What is the name of the current highest-paid athlete in the world?
Cristiano Ronaldo
Trivia Question: What is the closest living relative to the Tyrannosaurus Rex?
Trivia Question: Which bone are babies born without?
knee cap
What do the letters in PEMDAS stand for?
Parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.
Trivia Question: What country has the most people living in it?