What makes a square a square?
Four Equal Sides
Which country gifted the statue of Liberty to the United States?
How many words in the paragraph are incorrect and call out the words that are spelled incorrectly
Liam was walking home from skool when he heard a soft meaw coming from the bushes. He carefuly looked around and saw a tiny, hungrey kitten with fluffy orange fur. "Poor thing! You must be losted," he said. He caryed the kitten home and gave it some milk to drink. His mom smiled and said, "Let’s try to find the onwer." Liam put up signs around the neiborhood. The next day, a girl knocked on their doorbell and exclaimed, "You found my kitten!" Liam felt happy that he helped reunit them.
9 words
Reunite, lost, hungry, carried, neighborhood, carefully, school, meow, owner,
What is the tallest mountain in the world?
Mt. Everest
What five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
On a class field trip there are 4 buses taking 36 students to the zoo. Each bus has the same number of each student. How many students are on each bus?
9 students on each bus
Who was the first president of the United States?
George Washington
Dad went outside and (sweep, swoop, sweeped, swept) the deck.
What is the world’s wealthiest city?
Tokyo Japan
What tastes better than it smells?
Your tongue
If a train was supposed to arrive at 3:15 pm and arrived 35 minutes late, it arrived at... ?
What is 3:50pm?
What was the most valuable trade item in China?
How many nouns are in the following sentence: "The rabbit ran to the cafeteria and ate a big salad"?
Three. The nouns are rabbit, cafeteria, and salad.
What is the center of a cell called?
What can fill a room but takes up no space?
If a backyard is 50 feet long and 20 feet wide, what is the area of the yard?
1000 square feet
How many colonies were there in the United States?
13 colonies
What's the main character in a story called?
On the periodic table, which element is represented by the letter N?
I am a protector who sits on a bridge. Only one person can see through me, while others cannot. What am I?
decimal number that neither repeats nor terminates. A number that can not be expressed as an integer divided by an integer?
Irrational number
The Declaration of Independence FINAL draft was signed on August ___________(day)?
Second (2)
Identify the adjectives in the sentences
On the cold, stormy night, we sat by the warm fire drinking sweet hot cocoa.
Cold, stormy, warm, sweet, hot
What are the 3 forms of matter?
Liquid, gas, solid
What can speak but has no mouth, can reproduce but has no body?
An Echo