The key pressed to indicate the entire meal was consumed.
What is "F6"?
The V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6 are placed on this general area of the body.
What is upper chest?
The key selected to commit time of blood draw.
What is F6?
The term used for vitals taken in multiple positions at near the same time.
What is orthostatic?
The color of Nathan's (NH12) backpack is green.
What is false, it is brown.
Must be done with kitchen staff before meal begins.
What is verify the meal?
If a participant's PR value is over this number a re-check must be performed.
What is >260?
The key selected to reject a tube.
What is F9?
The method for resetting the temperature probe in the event of a re-check.
What is return to blue slot?
Julian Sells is THE urine guy
What is true?
What is "_0% of Meal"?
If a participants QRS value is over this number a re-check must be performed.
What is >149?
The person who is ultimately running the event.
Who is the phlebotomist?
The amount of time before capture that you can start the blood pressure cuff.
What is 30 seconds before capture?
Karla (KG10) will give you a high five if requested.
What is, false? (at least the first request).
It is this persons responsibility to clean up the dining room after a meal.
What is CCA?
If a participants QTc value is over this number a re-check must be performed.
What is >470 for females, >460 males?
The number that should be selected to indicate no comment.
A participant can rest on a pillow during supine vitals.
What is false?
Max Jones (MJ23) will initiate ping pong tournaments with participants.
What is true?
If the participants HR is over or under these values a re-check must be performed.
What is >100 and <40?
The information that should be recorded on a computer down blood tube.
What is CLID, SID, and timepoint?
A participant with a pulse value of 38 does not require a re-check in a study compliant with Celerion standard values.
What is false?
Emma (EGB1) speaks Spanish.
What is mas o menos?