Defects of the Mind
Face Defects
Organ Defects
More Parts of the Body Defects
Defects Affecting Movement
Around what age do signs of Autism occur?
What is 2-3 years?
True or false: Most babies with Cyclopia die within 24 hours
What is True?
What does hypoplastic left heart syndrome to the left side of the heart?
What is it leaves the left side critically underdeveloped?
This defect is when a baby's foot points downward and turns in; about 1 in 1,000 babies are born in the United States each year.
What is Clubfoot?
This defect causes abnormalities in part(s) of the brain and affect the movement of muscles. There are three types of this defect: Spastic, Athetoid or Dyskinetic, and Ataxic.
What is Cerebral Palsy?
This is a chromosomal defect where the affected person has three number 21 chromosomes, instead of two.
What is Down Syndrome?
True or False: A cleft palate not affecting the lip will affect speech.
What is False
This animal is most affected by Cyclopia
What are baby kittens?
What is one defect of the ear?
What is Anotia or Microtia?
Around what age to babies start to lose motor skills and gradually become blind and paralyzed due to Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff diseases?
What is 6 months?