The maximum price allowed by law.
price ceiling
Which psychologist came up with the Oedipus Complex?
Sigmund Freud
Who influenced the classical theory?
Thomas Hobbes
Initialized variables whose values can't be changed.
What is a social cost?
The cost to everyone.
Which system is responsible for the movement of blood throughout the body?
circulatory/cardiovascular system
Who is the father of modern criminology?
Cesare Lombroso
Violations of the program's language rules on how symbols can be combined.
syntax error
A tax on a good with an external cost.
Pigouvian tax
What value indicates statistical significance?
a p-value less than 0.05
What did the 19th amendment to the US Constitution do?
give women the right to vote
In Java, what is the size of one byte?
8 bits
This person made price and wage increases illegal in the US in 1971.
Richard Nixon
Name at least three transmissions of infection.
direct, indirect, droplet, vehicle, vector, airborne
A motion seeking to dismiss charges.
Nolle Prosequi
What operation does the operator "//" do?
integer division
Name the three different types of sectors a company can be.
manufacturing, merchandising, and service
Which psychotic disorder is characterized by an imbalance in the neurotransmitter dopamine?
Name at least three statements outlined in the 4th amendment.
1. no unreasonable searches or seizures
2. secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects
3. warrants can only be issued under probable cause
4. supported by oath or affirmation
5. describe exactly what is being searched and what is being searched for
What does the function "pow(x,y)" do?
solves for x at the power of y