Was born on October 17, 1972. His real name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III
Eminem or Slim Shady
Ba-Da-Ba-Ba-Ba, I'm loving it!
Used to Be an Independent Country. 2nd largest state.
Smartest sea animals
Who founded Amazon?
Jeff Bezos
He is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter. ___ was born and raised in Michigan, USA, and had a difficult childhood. His family got divorced when he was very young. His mother died of a drug overdose in 2009. He often listened to Eminem’s music during his childhood
Finger Lickin' Good
2nd smallest state
US!!! (Connecticut)
Big people
Mycology is the study of what?
Born on June 16, 1971, in East Harlem, New York City. His parents were members of the Black Panther Party. Studied at the Baltimore School for the Arts. Started his acting career with a role in the film "Juice" (1992)
____ is bigger than Canada in terms of population size. Almonds are _____'s top export.
In what year did the Berlin Wall fall?
___'s real name is Christopher George Latore Wallace and was an American rapper. Rooted in the New York rap scene and gangsta rap traditions, he is widely considered one of the greatest rappers of all time.
Notorious B.I.G
Come Hungry, Leave Happy
Pirates only pay a buck an ear
What street does the British prime minister live on?
10 Downing St.
Starting his career at the age of 18, very close with his family about his rap career. He even has them listen and give feedback, while not being too popular, he uploads his music on Spotify and waits for the support he deserves.
Danny Phantom or Daniel Testone
Turn On The Fun
Best Buy
It has no sales tax and its birthday is Valentine’s Day, February 14, 1859. It is the ninth largest state in the US and is bordered by four states and the Pacific Ocean. It has more ghost towns than any other state and the largest sea cave in the world.
Any of the Scandinavian seafaring pirates and traders who raided and settled in many parts of northwestern Europe in the 8th–11th centuries.
What month did Adolf Hitler die?