US History
Life Skills
Famous Sayings
Final Jeopardy

The first president of the United States

Who is George Washington?


If a recipe calls for buttermilk, and you don't have any on hand, what 2 ingredients can you mix together to make it?

What are milk and vinegar (or lemon juice) - milk + acid.


The country to the south of France.

What is Spain?


If at first you don't succeed....

Try, try again.


30% of 450.



What does CEO stand for?

Chief Executive Officer


This famous saying was part of what war in US history?

"No taxation without representation."

What is the American Revolution or the Revolutionary War?


In the event you accidentally get cut to where there is heavy bleeding, name at least 2 things you should do immediately.

Get a grown-up right away (if you can)

Wrap with something clean

Apply pressure (i.e., tie a band above the cut if possible to stop blood flow to area and limit blood loss).

Go to urgent care / call 911 (depending on severity)

Keep wound as clean as possible to help prevent infection.


The southern-most state in the United States.

What is Hawaii?


A stitch in time...

Saves 9.


Andrew is driving west on his scooter at 8 miles per hour. Ben is driving east on his scooter at 8 miles per hour as well. In 30 minutes, how far apart will they be?

8 miles apart (in 1 hour, they would be 16 miles apart as they are each traveling 8 miles per hour in opposite directions, or 8+8= 16). In 30 minutes, they would be 8 miles apart.

Who is the REAL CEO of Luxury Home Magazine?

Boss Baby Matthew.


The last 2 states of the 50 states to become states.

Hawaii (August 21, 1959)
Alaska (Jan. 3, 1959)

Could give credit for either possibly since they were in the same year.


What are 2 things you can do when a baby is crying to help soothe them?

Sing / Rock

Play with / read books
Change Diaper
Hire a nanny to deal with it. (JK!)


The countries that make up North America.

What are Canada, The US, and Mexico?


A red sky at night....
A red sky in the morning...

...Sailor's delight

...Sailor's warning

This was a saying that helped predict weather before modern advances in technology and radar.


The new Minecraft game will cost $70. If they wait until Black Friday sales, they can save 15%. How much would the game cost if they waited?


They would save 15% or:
10% of 70 = $7
5% of 70 = $3.50

Since 10%+5% = 15%, $7+$3.5 = 10.5 for total savings.

70-10.50 = 59.50


How many is a "score"



The civil war was found over 2 primary issues the country was divided on.

What is slavery and state vs. federal power?

North - Against slavery, pro-increased power at federal level.

South - Pro slavery, pro-increased power at the state level. 


If you want to buy a house, how much money do you need to save for a standard down payment (as a percent).

What is 20%.

500K house = 100K saved
1,000,000 house = 200K saved
5,000,000 house = 1,000,000 saved


This country is bordered by the Indian Ocean to its west, the Pacific Ocean to its east, and the Southern Ocean to its south.

What is Australia?


Don't throw the baby out...

with the bath water.


True or False:

Daddy snores more than mommy.

True. If you said false, double points will be subtracted.


Who snores louder? Mommy or daddy?



This decade in the 20th century (1900's) was marked by substantial social changes, including the Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War / anti-war protests, and the emerging "generation gap" (a demonstration of counter-cultural or against-the-culture ideals where more people demanded change in government and society from how things had been done before.

What is the 1960's?


Your parents open a savings account for you with $1000 (how kind!). Each month, $250 is deposited to that account. Assuming it earns interest of 7% over time, in 40 years (by the time you're 49 - Ben and 51 - Andrew), this will grow to a savings of $632,859.

True or False:
Waiting 10 years from now to start saving and only saving for 30 years will reduce your savings by more than half, to less than $300,000.

True or false:

True. You want to save as much as you can, as early as you can, for as long as you can. 


The Amazon River flows through this continent.

What is South America?


Leaves of 3...

Let it be.

A old saying employed to help prevent touching poison ivy / rash-causing plants in the wilderness.


If the year is 80% complete, what month are we in? (Average # of days per month = 30).

Okay to round, give the approximate month.

Almost October (end of September to be exact, but early October is an acceptable answer)

80% of 365 days = .80 x 365 =292 days (~300 days)
300 days / 30 average days per month = 10 months


Who has the stinkiest farts in this family?
