Shawns Highschool Crush.
Who is Abigail Lytar
Jules Brothers Name. This an easy one, special guest appearance.
Who is Ewan Ohara aka John Cana
What is Magic Head
For Christmas, Shawn gave everyone in the station, his dad, and even Gus this as a present. Inside was psych written on it.
What is a snow globe
The next time you two drag me into one of these ridiculous schemes, I’ll be seriously disappointed.
Who is Karen Vick
Gus's ex-girlfriend, this woman was crazy and gas could not help himself, even nicknaming this girl, the hurricane.
Who is Mira
This skilled coroner had a close relationship with Shawn and Gus.
Who is Woody
When Gus was keeping a secret he would lock in and go to this place.
What is the Vault of Secrets
The blueberry becomes out of commission for a bit in season 6. The first episode of season 7 we see Gus and his new car which he renames this due to the color.
What is the Cranberry
You know, for a guy who’s technically not supposed to be a detective, I do a pretty good job at it.
Who is Buzz Mcnabb
Shawns ex-girlfriend, also Gus's sister.
Who is Joy Guster
This man wore ankle weights and was once a prime suspect
Who is Mary Lightly
When Gus needs to come in peace.
Shawn says," do it, show your cometh in peace face".
What is Imhotep
In the episode "Thrill Seekers and Hell Raisers", Gus uses what kind of animal to make Shawn happy before telling him he has a girlfriend, hoping to soften the blow?
What is a bunny
I’m getting too old for this, Shawn. I need more fiber in my diet.
Who is Gus
Gus's ex girlfriend, Gus thought this woman was perfect, until he found out she still lived with her ex-husband. She also had a kid they took to a carnival.
Who is Rachel
Gus's Uncles name is?
Trick question! Who is Burton Guster (its who he's named after!)
The Dinosaur exhibit the pair unearthed had two names written on it: Shawn Spencer and _______
What is Bruton Gaster
This got Juliet and Carlton upset at each other in some sort of a competition, that was eventually cleared up when Shawn completed this when he was 15.
What is the Detective Exam
I don't need your help. I’m doing just fine on my own.
Who is Lassiter
Shawns ex-girlfriend who he called from the trunk of the car while getting kidnapped.
Who is Gina
Shawn's Mothers name is?
Who is Madeline Spencer
When Gus needs to be stealthy, he enters this mode. It can be seen in multiple episodes but most dominantly in "From the Earth to Starbucks", the observatory one for normies.
What is the Jackal
"American Duos"- In the season two opener, Shawn and Gus pose as contestants on an "American Idol" rip-off called "American Duos". Which judge was the object of their protection and investigation?
Who is Nigel St. Nigel
The way you go about things... you might have been a great detective if you’d just followed the rules
Who is Henry Spencer