Football Terms
General Knowledge
Football facts
Football Rules
Argos Players

Worth six points, a ______ is scored if a player carries the ball across the goal line or catches the ball in the other team’s end zone.

A) Handup

B) Touchdown

C) Tapdown

What is a touchdown?


What is one hundred yards long, with end zones on each side.

What is a football field.


Touchdowns are worth ___ points.

What is six points?


The game starts with a _____ happening by the chosen side.

A) Kick-Off

B) Kick-back

C) Set-back

What is a kick-off?


Went to Hawaii College and is 6'2!

A) Kawhi Anthony Leonard 

B) Charlie Conacher 

C) Dejon Allen

Who is Dejon Allen?


When a player from the other team tackles the quarterback, while the ball is in his hands, behind the line of scrimmage.

A) Sac

B) Map

C) Trap

What is a sac?


The chalked or painted line dividing the end zone from the field of play.

A) Open Line

B) Closed Line

C) Goal Line

What is a goal line?


The players designated to protect the quarterback at all costs.The players designated to protect the quarterback at all costs.

What is the Offensive line ?


When you can't convert past the first down, that is called ________.

A) Turndown on Over

B) Turnover on Downs

C) Turnup on Downs

Turnover On Downs


Went to East Carolina College and is Age 29.

A) Johnny Bower 

B) DaShaun Amos

C)Jerome Williams

Who is DaShaun Amos?


The area that is made around the quarterback by his offensive line teammates to stop a player from the other team from "sacking" him.

(Sack means when a player of the other team tackles the quarterback)  

A) Sacker

B) Pouch

C) Pocket

What is a Pocket ?


The offensive line where the quarterback and running back line up.

A) Defensive Backfield

B) Offensive Backfield

C) Defensive Frontfield

What is the offensive backfield?


The Argos were named after a ____ club.

What is a rowing club.


When offense passes the line of scrimmage before the ball is snapped on the defense side.

A) Line of Scrimmage

B) Fall Start

C) Open Line 

What is a fall start?


Went to Georgia State, Age 30, 6'1, and is a quarter back.

A) Lou Williams

B) Nick Arbuckle

C) Teeder Kennedy 

Who is Nick Arbuckle ?


When a football player drops the football

A) Humble

B) Rumble

C) Fumble

What is a Fumble ?


The area on a football where you place your fingers. 

What is a lace.


Toronto's Argonauts are owned by ____.



Players must either catch the ball _____ or ____ the ball into the opponent’s end zone.

A) Inside

B) Carry

C) Sack

Inside or Carry.


Went to Toronto, age 31, 6'3, and fullback.

A) Marc Gasol

B) Jalen Rose

C) Awache Albert

Who is Awache Albert


The virtual lines upon which the offensive and defensive linemen position themselves.

A) Lines of Scrimmage

B) Lines of Distraction

C) Lines of Direction

What are the Lines of scrimmage 


American Football evolved from two of these sports. 

A) Rugby

B) Soccer

C) Baseball

D) Basketball

What is Rugby and Soccer?


Another word for football but can also be used to talk about the field of play.



When a defending player catches a forward pass by the offense.

A) Interpass

B) Interception

C) Enterpass

What is an interception?


Age 30, 6'1, and went to Virginia Tech.

A) Woody Baron

B) Chad Kelly

C) Wynton McManis

Who is Woody Baron?